Fenyk Mykola Tarasovych

Personal page

An institute which one has graduated - Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Year of graduation - 2008
Specialty - physics

Title, academic degree - Ph.D. Degree

Position - Research Fellow

Major research interests:

Major publications:

  1. R. Plyatsko, M. Fenyk. Reply to “Comment on ‘Highly relativistic spin-gravity coupling for fermions’“// Phys. Rev. D. – 2016. - Vol. 93. – 028502.
  2. R. Plyatsko, M. Fenyk. Antigravity: Spin-gravity coupling in action // Phys. Rev. D. – 2016. - Vol. 94. – 044047.
  3. R. Plyatsko, M. Fenyk. Highly relativistic spin-gravity coupling for fermions // Phys. Rev. D. - 2015. - Vol. 91. - 044019.
  4. R. Plyatsko, M. Fenyk, O. Stefanyshyn. Solutions of Mathisson-Papapetrou Equations for Highly Relativistic Spinning Particles. In Equations of Motion in Relativistic Gravity, Vol. 179 of “Fundamental Theories of Physics”, edited by D. Puetzfeld, C. Lammerzahl, and B. Schutz (Springer, 2015), Chapter IV.
  5. R.M. Plyatsko, M.T. Fenyk. Neutrino in gravitational field. Odessa Astron. Publ. – 2014. - V.27, No 2. – 34-35.
  6. R. Plyatsko, M. Fenyk. Highly relativistic circular orbits of spinning particle in the Kerr field // Phys. Rev. D. - 2013. - Vol.87. - 044019.
  7. R. M. Plyatsko, M. T. Fenyk. Highly relativistic circular orbits of spinning particle in the Schwarzschild and Kerr field // Odessa Astron. Publ. – 2012. – Vol. 25, No 2 – 138-140.
  8. R. Plyatsko, M. Fenyk. Highly relativistic spinning particle in the Schwarzschild field: Circular and other orbits // Phys. Rev. D. – 2012. – Vol. 85. – 104023.
  9. Plyatsko R.M., Stefanyshyn O.B., Fenyk M.T. Mathisson-Papapetrou-Dixon equations in the Schwarzschild and Kerr backgrounds. Class. Quantum Grav. 2011, V.28, 195025 (20 pp).
  10. Ïëÿöêî Ð., Ñòåôàíèøèí Î., Ôåíèê Ì. Äî âèáîðó äîïîâíÿëüíî¿ óìîâè äëÿ ð³âíÿíü  Ìàò³ñîíà-Ïàïàïåòðó. Ô³ç. çá. ÍÒØ. 2011, Ò.8, ñ.151-157.
  11. Plyatsko R., Stefanyshyn O., Fenyk M. Highly relativistic spinning particle starting near  $r_{ph}^{(-)}$ in a Kerr field.  Phys. Rev. D, 2010, v.82, No.4,044015 (10 pp.).

E-mail address - fenyk@gmail.com