Matsyuk Roman Yakovych

Personal page

An institute which one has graduated - Ivan Franko State University of Lviv
Year of graduation - 1971
Specialty - physics

Title, academic degree - Ph.D. Degree

Position - Senior Research Fellow

Major research interests:

Major publications:

  1. R. Matsyuk Second order Riemannian mechanics, Mathematiсa Slovaca, 2015, vol. 65, no. 6, p. 1589–1608.
  2. R. Matsyuk Inverse Variational Problem and Symmetry in Action: The Relativistic Third Order Dynamics, The Inverse Problem of the Calculus of Variations. Volume 2 of the series Atlantis Studies in Variational Geometry Zbl 06403440. Editor: Dmitry V. Zenkov. Springer, 2015, ISBN: 978-94-6239-108-6 (Print) 978-94-6239-109-3 (Online), p. 75-102.
  3. R. Matsyuk Third order variational equation for the free relativistic top, Collected Physical Papers. Shevchenko Scientific Society, Vol. 9 (2014) 77-88. ISSN 1563-3969.
  4. R. Matsyuk Relativistic top in the Ostrohrads'kyj dynamics, Collected Physical Papers. Shevchenko Scientific Society, Vol. 8 (2011) 90-105 (ISSN 1563-3969).
  5. R. Matsyuk Higher order variational origin of the Dixon’s system and its relation to the quasi-classical ‘Zitterbewegung’ in General Relativity. Corrected version: arXiv:1101.5384v2, Differential Geometry and its Applications, 2011, vol. 29, Supplement 1, p. S149-S155.
  6. R. Matsyuk Towards the physical significance of the (k2+A)|u| metric. arXiv:1407.6557, Tensor, 2009, vol. 71, no. 2, p. 109–113.
  7. Р. Мацюк Незмінні варіаційні рівняння третього порядку в спеціяльній теорії відносности на площині. Прикладні проблеми механіки і математики. Вип. 7, 2009, с. 91–104.
  8. R. Matsyuk Second order variational problem and 2–dimensional concircular geometry. Corrected version: arXiv:1407.6194v2, Travaux mathematiques 2008, vol. XVIII, p. 125–137.
  9. R. Matsyuk Variationality with second derivatives, relativistic uniform acceleration, and the 'spin'-curvature interaction in two-dimensional space-time, Collected Physical Papers. Shevchenko Scientific Society, Vol. 7 (2008) 542-556. ISSN 1563-3969, arXiv:1512.03830v2.
  10. R. Matsyuk Variationality of geodesic circles in two dimensions. Corrected version: arXiv:1407.6050, Differential Geometry and Its Applications. Proc. 10th conf. DGA. Olomouc, 27-31 August 2007. – Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific Publishing, 2008, – p. 635—642.
  11. Matsyuk R. The Variational Principle for the Uniform Acceleration and Quasi-Spin in Two Dimensional Space-Time. SIGMA 4 (2008), 016; arXiv:0802.0751
  12. Matsyuk R., The next variational prolongation of the Euclidean space Tensor, 2007, vol. 68, no. 1, p. 1–9.
  13. Matsyuk R. Variational generalization of free relativistic top, Collected Physical Papers. Shevchenko Scientific Society, Vol. 6 (2006) 206-214. ISSN 1563-3969 arXiv:1407.7009.
  14. Matsyuk R., Variation by parts and vector differential forms in higher order variational calculus on fibred manifolds. Matematychni Studii (Matematichnī Studīï), 1999, v. 11, no. 1 p. 85–107
  15. Matsyuk R., Symmetries of vector exterior differential systems and the inverse problem in second-order Ostrohrads'kyj mechanics. J. of Nonlinear Math. Phys, 1997, v. 4, no. 1/2, p. 89–97
  16. Мацюк Р., Лагранжев анализ инвариантных уравнений движения третьего порядка в релятивистской механике классических частиц. Докл. АН СССР, 1985, т. 282, №4, с. 841–844

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