Taistra Yurii Vitaliyovych

Personal page

An institute which one has graduated - Lviv Polytechnic National University
Year of graduation - 2010
Specialty - Applied Mathematics

Scientific degree - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (Ph. D.)
Scientific speciality: 01.05.02 - Mathematical modeling and computing methods
Title of PhD thesis: «Modeling the propagation of electromagnetic waves in Kerr space based on the analytical-geometric method»
Scientific advisor - Volodymyr Pelykh
The institution in which the defending of the degree took place - Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems in Mechanics and Mathematics NAS of Ukraine, 2021.

Position - Research Assistant

Major research interests:

Publications in scientific journals:

  1. Пелих В. О., Тайстра Ю. В. Особливості кутового розподілу електромагнітного випромінювання від чорної діри Керра // Мат. методи та фіз.-мех. поля 63(2), 2020, с. 51-58.
    Translation: V. O. Pelykh, Yu. V. Taistra Specific Features of the Angular Distribution of Electromagnetic Radiation of the Kerr Black Hole. Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 272, No. 1, 2023, p. 55-63. DOI: 10.1007/s10958-023-06399-w.
  2. Pelykh V. O., Taistra Y. V. Wave Optics in the Kerr Space-Time Taking the Spin-Helicity Interaction into Account. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 64 (11), 2019, p. 1054. DOI: 10.15407/ujpe64.11.1054.
  3. Pelykh V. O., Taistra Y. V. On the null one-way solution to Maxwell equations in the Kerr space-time // Math. Model. Comput. Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 201-206 (2018), DOI:10.23939/mmc2018.02.201.
  4. Pelykh V. O., Taistra Y. V. Solution with separable variables for null one-way Maxwell field in Kerr space-time // Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings supplement, 2017, – v. 10, №2, p. 387-390, DOI:10.5506/APhysPolBSupp.10.387.
  5. Pelykh V. O., Taistra Y. V. Null one-way fields in the Kerr space-time // Ukr. J. Phys. 2017. Vol. 62, No. 11, DOI: 10.15407/ujpe62.11.1007.
  6. Пелих В. О., Тайстра Ю. В. Клас загальних розв’язків рівнянь Максвелла у просторі Керра // Математичні методи та фізико-механічні поля, 2016, – т. 59, №1, с. 48-57.
    Translation: Pelykh V. O., Taistra Y. V. Class of general solutions of the Maxwell equations in the Kerr space-time // Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 229, No. 2, pp. 162-183, 2018. DOI: 10.1007/s10958-018-3668-5.
  7. Taistra Y. V. New Approach to Decoupling Maxwell Equations in Curved Spacetime // Proceedings of contributed papers WDS 2013, Prague, 2013, p. 29-32.
  8. Pelykh V. O., Taistra Y. V., Novosyadlyj B. S. Decoupling method for investigation of system of Maxwell and Sen-Witten equations // Proceedings of the Workshop on results of the Project Kosmomikrofizyka-2 (Astroparticle P15:07 17.07.2023hysics) of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine «Astrophysical and cosmological problems of invisible mass and dark energy in the Universe», 2012, p. 9-13 (in Ukrainian).
  9. Pelykh V. O., Taistra Y. V. Spinor approach for Maxwell equations splitting in Riemannian space, Proc. of the Shevchenko sc. soc. volume XXIX, Collected physical papers, volume 8, p. 128-133, 2011.

E-mail address - ythelloworld@gmail.com