(Released: November 18, 1998) (Last Revised: May 26, 2009) CLIFFORD - A Maple 11 Package for Clifford Algebra Computations (version 11, December 20, 2007 with Bigebra, Cliplus, Define, GfG, GTP, Octonion, RJgrobner,SchurFkt, SP, and code_support Rafal Ablamowicz (*) and Bertfried Fauser (**) (*) Department of Mathematics, Box 5054 Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN 38505 phone: USA (931) 372-3569, fax: USA (931) 372-6353 rablamowicz@tntech.edu http://math.tntech.edu/rafal/ (**) Universität Konstanz, Fachbereich Physik, Fach M678 78457 Konstanz, Germany Bertfried.Fauser@uni-konstanz.de http://kaluza.physik.uni-konstanz.de/~fauser/ INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS for all packages under Maple 11. All these packages are included in one single library archive. The library archive is contained in library_M11.zip file. =============== A. For Windows: =============== The following installation instructions should be general enough to allow for loading and installation of the package under any (hopefully) operating system such as Win 98, Win NT 4.0, or XP. The installation below has been tested under Windows XP Professional. If you have any problems with installation under Windows, please contact Dr. Rafal Ablamowicz at rablamowicz@tntech.edu. 1. Make sure you run Maple 11. 2. Download library_M11.zip from http://math.tntech.edu/rafal/cliff11/. Just right click on the link in and then save to your system to some temporary directory and unzip it there. It contains four files: maple.hdb, maple.lib, maple.ind, and maple.ini. 3. Create a directory where you will store all library files. Default directory name used in maple.ini file is \Cliffordlib in a directory say C:\Maple11. To use the default, create first a directory \Maple11 on C:\ drive and then a subdirectory \Cliffordlib in the directory C:\Maple11. Thus, the path will will be C:\Maple11\Cliffordlib. 4. Copy files maple.hdb, maple.lib, and maple.ind to C:\Maple11\Cliffordlib. 5. Copy maple.ini to \LIB subdirectory of your Maple 11 directory. 6. If you want to install CLIFFORD and its supplementary packages in a directory other than C:\Maple11\Cliffordlib, you may do so but you will need to modify accordingly the single line in maple.ini. Make sure you type the path correctly and appropriately for your operating system. 7. Test that installation has been done correctly (see below) ============================ B. For Linux/Unix (as root): ============================ 1. Download library_M11.zip from http://math.tntech.edu/rafal/cliff11/ (just right click on the link and then save to your system) 2. Change to root: > su 3. Create a library directory in the maple path: maple may be installed in /usr/local/maple called $MAPLE_PATH in the following > mkdir $MAPLE_PATH/Cliffordlib 4. Copy the zip-file into this dir and unzip: > cp library_M11.zip $MAPLE_PATH/Cliffordlib > cd $MAPLE_PATH/Cliffordlib > unzip libary_M11.zip Then proceed with 5a) if you have only Maple11 running and with 5b) if you have several maple versions running ==5a==> 5a. Change the .mapleinit file to accept the library as *first* entry in 'libname': > exit (* close root shell *) > cd (* go to home dir *) > pico .mapleinit (* pico / or vi editors *) Add the line: libname:=`$MAPLE_PATH`,libname; and store the file (create it if necessary) as .mapleinit. The initialization is finished. If you have any problems with installation under Linux, please contact Dr. Bertfried Fauser at Bertfried.Fauser@uni-konstanz.de or fauser@spock.physik.uni-konstanz.de. ==b==> 5b. stay being root! > cd ../bin open the file maple, and look for the place where xMaple11 is called change this line to (no whitespace after \ or type a single line only) > exec ${MAPLE}/$MAPLE_SYS_BIN/xMaple11 -km p -b ${MAPLE}/Cliffordlib \ -b ${MAPLE}/lib $INCLUDES $PARAM and change the line where mapleTTY is loaded to > exec ${MAPLE}/$MAPLE_SYS_BIN/mapleTTY -b ${MAPLE}/Cliffordlib \ -b ${MAPLE}/lib $INCLUDES $PARAM (The option -b makes maple aware of locations of libaries. In this way you might want ot change every start script of several maple versions to find their own local libaries. ) > exit leave root shell. ============================================== C. For Linux (if you do not have root access): ============================================== 1. Download library_M11.zip from http://math.tntech.edu/rafal/cliff11/ (just right click on the link and then save to your system). 2. Create a library directory in your home directory (* if you choose a name starting with a dot, this dir is not displayed by default *) > cd (* go to home dir *) > mkdir .Cliffordlib 3. Copy the zip-file into this dir and unzip: > cp libary_M11.zip ./.Cliffordlib > cd .Cliffordlib > unzip libary_M11.zip 4. Change the .mapleinit file to accept the library as *first* entry in the variable 'libname' > cd (* go to home dir *) > pico .mapleinit (* pico / or vi editors *) 5. Ad the line: libname:=`/.Cliffordlib',libname; and store the file (create it if necessary) as .mapleinit. 6. The initialization is finished. 7. Unfortunately there is only one .mapleinit file for every maple version. This means that other versions of maple will use this directory too, which might cause PROBLEMS. Currently there is no workaround for this and we recommend to insert the line libname:=`/.Cliffordlib',libname; in the first line of any worksheet which use Clifford/Bigebra for Maple11 Such a maple file looks like: > restart: libname:=`/.Cliffordlib',libname; > with(Clifford):with(Bigebra): > ## optional: with(Cliplus):with(Octonion):with(GTP) In this case no libary path is needed. If you run several versions of maple you might contact your local administrator 'root' to change the startup scripts as described above. If you have any problems with installation under Linux/Unix, please contact Dr. Bertfried Fauser at Bertfried.Fauser@uni-konstanz.de, or fauser@spock.physik.uni-konstanz.de. ======================================================================= HOW TO LOAD THE PACKAGE AND CHECK THAT INSTALLATION WAS DONE CORRECTLY: ======================================================================= 1. Start Maple 11. 2. To load the main module, at the Maple prompt, type: > restart: # its safe to do this on top of a worksheet > with(Clifford); 3. When the package is loaded, you should see a list with names of available procedures. If the package has not loaded and you get an error message make sure that files maple.hdb, maple.lib, and maple.ind extracted from library_M11.zip are all located in the directory such as C:\Maple11\Cliffordlib and that the path to that directory is included in maple.ini file. 4. To see if maple.ini has been executed, type >libname; and Maple should respond with (on M$ OS) "C:\\Maple11/Cliffordlib", "C:\\Maple11/lib" if maple.ini had these lines: savelibname:="C:\\Maple11/Cliffordlib": libname:=savelibname,libname: 5. To load other packages, issue with(packagename); command as well, where 'packagename' is one of Bigebra, Cliplus, GTP, or Octonion. 6. To check if help pages are available in the browser, at the Maple prompt type: >?Clifford Or go to the 'Help' menue, open the help browser and look for `Mathematics...->Algebra...->PACKAGE` where PACKAGE is one of the names Clifford, Bigebra, Cliplus, GTP or Octonion. Open there the file intro or help of any helppage the particular functions of the chosen package. You should then see the introductory page for CLIFFORD and at the top of the screen you should see Maple browser opening four vertical windows with words Clifford and intro highlighted in the two rightmost panels. You should also see, above and below Clifford, names of other packages for which help should now be available. 7. To navigate through the help pages, begin with the introductory help page for CLIFFORD as described above and follow links within. You can also issue this command at the Maple prompt: >?Clifford,intro Cookeville, May 26, 2009/RA/BF.