Romaniv Andriy Myhajlovych

Education: Ivan Franko National University of L’viv (specialtymathematics, 2006.),

Postgraduate of Pidstryhach Institute for APMM NAS of Ukraine (01.01.06 – algebra and number theory, 2009 – 2012.).

Scientific degree: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (01.01.06 algebra and number theory, 2014.)

Position: Senior Research Fellow (since 2020)

In Institute: from 2006.

Research interests: linear algebra, matrix theory.

Some specialized publications:

  1. Romaniv A. M., Shchedryk V. P. Adequate Properties of Matrix Divisors // Journal of mathematical sciences. – 2024. – 279, No 2 – P. 141–150. (Scopus)
  2. Romaniv A. M. On the Smith normal form of the least common multiple of matrices from some class of matrices // Journal of mathematical sciences. – 2023. – 277, No. 1. – P. 53–59. (Scopus, 0.302, Q3)
  3. Romaniv A.M., Dzhaliuk N.S. The structure of the Smith normal form of the greatest common divisor and the least common multiple of the third order matrices over Bezout domains of stable range 1.5 // Applied problems of mechanics and mathematics. – 2022. – Vol 20. – P. 25–30. (in Ukrainian).
  4. Romaniv A. M., Shchedryk V. P. Adequate properties of matrix divisors // Mat. Metody Fiz.-Mekh. Polya. – 2021. – 64. – ¹ 4. – P. 25–31. (in Ukrainian)
  5. Romaniv A. M. On the Smith normal form of least common multiple matrices from some class of matrices // Mathmethods and phys.-mech.  fields  2021. – 64. – ¹ 2. – Ñ. 47–51.
  6. Romaniv A. M. Ñonditions for constructing of a square matrix which contains a square submatrix with given invariant factors // Applied problems of mechanics and mathematics. – 2021. – Vol. 19 – P. 84–87.
  7. Zabavsky B., Romaniv A., Kysil T. Elementary reduction of matrices over rings of almost stable range 1 // Algebra and Discrete Mathematics. – 2020. – 29, No. 2. – P. 271–276. (Scopus, 0.463, Q4)
  8. Romaniv A. M., Dzhaliuk N. S. Some relationships between the invariant factors of matrix and its submatrix over elementary divisor domains // Applied problems of mechanics and mathematics. – 2019. – 17. – P. 38−41.
  9. Romaniv A. M., Zabavsky B. V., Bilavska S. I. Adequate properties of the elements with almost stable range 1 of a commutative elementary divisor domain // Applied problems of mechanics and mathematics. – 2018. – 16. P. 3335.
  10. Romaniv A. M. On the structure of least common multiple matrices from some class of matrices // Carpathian Math. Publ. – 2018. – 10, No. 1. P. 179–184. (Web of Science, Q4)
  11. Romaniv A. M. Least common multiple of one class of matrices // Applied problems of mechanics and mathematics. – 2017. – No. 15. – P. 29–34.
  12. Romaniv A. M. The greatest common divisor and lest common multiple of one class of matrices // Visnyk L'viv Univ. Series Mekh.-Math. – 2016. – No. 82 – P. 186191.
  13. Romaniv A. M. On the Smith normal form of the greatest common divisor of one class of matrices // Applied problems of mechanics and mathematics. – 2015. – No 13 – P. 174–181.
  14. Romaniv A. M., Shchedryk V. P. Least common right multiple of the matrices with one invariant factor different from the identity // J. Math. Sci. (N.Y.) – 2015. – 208. No 3 – P. 344354.
  15. Romaniv A. M., Shchedryk V. P. Greatest common divisor of matrices one of which is disappear matrix // Ukrainian Math. J. – 2014. – 66, No3. – P. 479–485.
  16. Romaniv A.M., Shchedryk V.P. Greatest common divisor of matrices one of which has has one invariant factor different from the identity // Ukrainian Mathematical Journal. – 2014. – 66, ¹ 3. – P. 425–430. (in Ukrainian)
  17. Romaniv A.M., Shchedryk V.P. Least common right multiple of the matrices with one invariant factor different from the identity // Mat. Metody Fiz.-Mekh. Polya. – 2013. – 56. – ¹ 4. – P. 67–74. (in Ukrainian)
  18. Romaniv A. M. Monic divisors with one invariant factor of polynomial matrices // J. Math. Sci. (N.Y.) – 2012. – 181. No 3 – P. 328339.
  19. Romaniv A. M., Shchedryk V. P. The greatest common left divisor and the least common right multiple of second order matrices // Math. Bull. Shevchenko Sci. Soc – 2012. – 9 P. 269–284.
  20. Romaniv A. M. Monic divisors of polynomial matrices over infinite field // Algebra Discrete Math. – 2011. – 12, No 2. P. 94101.
  21. Romaniv A. M. Monic divisors with canonical diagonal form  of polynomial matrices over infinite field // Matematychni Studii. – 2011. – Vol 36, No 1. – P. 12–20.
  22. Romaniv A. M. Unital divisors with one invariant factor of polynomial matrices // Mathematical methods and physico-mechanical fields. – 2010. – 53,No 4. – P. 35–43. (in Ukrainian).
  23. Romaniv A. M., Shchedryk V. P. On nonassociated and monic divisors of polynomial matrices // Applied problems of mechanics and mathematics. – 2008. – No 6. – P. 72–79.




Romaniv A. M. Matrix divisors with prescribed canonical diagonal forms over polynomial and elementary divisor rings // Thesis for obtaining the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences degree. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2014. – 20 p.

Publication of presentations at conferences:

  1. Romaniv Andriy Decomposition of an invertible matrix in the product of two matrices with given properties // Current problems of Mechanics and Mathematics - 2023: Collection of Scientific Papers / Edited by Roman M. Kushnir (Academician of NAS of Ukraine) and Volodymyr O. Pelykh (Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine) [Published Online] // Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine. - 2023. - 454 p. - Access by the link: P. 413–414. – . (in Ukrainian)

2.     Romaniv A. Conditions of existence of a matrix which contains a submatrix with given invariant factors// 14th Ukraine Algebra Conference, July 3-7, 2023 Sumy, Ukraine. Book of Abstracts: Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko, Sumy, Ukraine. – 150 p. – P. 116.

3.     Romaniv A. Ì. Property of invertible matrix // XIX International Scientific Mykhailo Kravchuk Conference, dedicated to the 125th anniversary of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. Proceedings of Nineteenth International Scientific Mykhailo Kravchuk Conference, October 11-12, 2023, Kyiv, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.- P. 120. – (in Ukrainian)

  1. Romaniv A. On property of invariant factors of the matrix and its submatrix // Conference of young ScientistsPidstryhach reading – 2022”. – L’viv, Ukraine May 25–27, 2022, L’viv. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (
  2. Romaniv A. Divisibility of invariant factors of two matrices and invariant factors of sum of these matrices // XIII International Algebraic Conference in Ukraine, July 6-9, 2021, Kyiv, Ukraine. Book of Abstracts.  Kyiv:Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 2021.  95 p. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: – P.66.
  3. Andriy Romaniv Divisibility of invariant factors of a matrix and its submatrix // XI International Skorobohatko Mathematical Conference. October 26−30, 2020, Lviv, Ukraine. Abstracts: Lviv: Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics, 2020. – 130 p. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: – P.100.
  4. Romaniv A. M. Properties of the invariant factors of the sum of matrices // Book of abstracts of the International mathematical conference dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the department of algebra and mathematical logic of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 14-17 July 2020, Kyiv, Ukraine. – 93 p. – Ðåæèì äîñòóïó äî ðåñóðñó:– P. 71.
  5. Romaniv A.M., Dzhaliuk N.S. Some connections between invariant factors of matrix and its submatrix // International Scientific Conference Algebraic and Geometric Methods of Analysis, 26-30 may 2020, Odesa, Ukraine. – 131 p. – Access mode: – P. 57.
  6. Romaniv A. Reduction of nonsingular matrices over rings of almost stable range 1 // XII International Algebraic Conference in Ukraine dedicated to the 215th anniversary of V. Bunyakovsky, July 2-6, 2019,Vinnytsia, Ukraine. Abstracts. Vinnytsia:Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk University, 2019. 142 p. (p. 93-94).
  7. Romaniv A. An element with almost stable range 1 over a commutative elementary divisor domain // Conference of young Scientists “Pidstryhach reading – 2019”. – L’viv, Ukraine May 27–29, 2019, L’viv. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (
  8. Romaniv A.M. On the relationship between the Smith normal forms of matrices and of their least common multiple // Book of abstracts of the International Scientific Conference “Algebraic and geometric methods of analysis” (May 30 – June 4, 2018, Odesa, Ukraine). P.53. [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: ( P. 53.
  9. Kuz A. M., Romaniv A. M., Symotiuk M. M. An analogue of an integral problem for equations with partial derivatives over a field of p-adic numbers // Nonlinear analysis problems: VI All-Ukrainian mat. conf. the name of B.V. Vasilishin: Abstract (26-28 september 2018ð., Ivano-Frankivsk - Mykulychyn). – Ivano-Frankivsk: 2018. – P. 30.
  10. M. Romaniv, V. P. Shchedryk On stable rank of rings of matrices over commutative principal ideal domains // International ConferenceModern Problems of Mechanics and Mathematicsdedicated to the 90-th birth anniversary of YA. S. Pidstryhach and 40- anniversary of the Institute for APMM NAS of Ukraine Lviv, Ukraine May 22–25, 2018. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: ( – P. 231.
  11. Romaniv A.M. The Smith normal form of the lest common multiples of one class of matrices // Book of abstracts of the XI International Algebraic Conference in Ukraine dedicated to the 75th anniversary of V.V.Kirichenko (July, 2017, Kyiv, Ukraine). P.115.
  12. Romaniv A. M. On decomposition of matrices from full linear group in the product matrices from certain its subsets // Conference of young Scientists Pidstryhach reading – 2017. L’viv, Ukraine May 23–25, 2017., L’viv. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: ( ).
  13. Romaniv A. M. The Smith normal form of the greatest common divisor of one class of matrices // Conference of young Scientists Pidstryhach reading2016”. L’viv, Ukraine May 25–27, 2016., L’viv. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (
  14. Romaniv A. M. On the divisibility of the second-order matrices // 10th International Skorobohatko mathematical conference. – Drohobych, Ukraine, August 25–28, 2015. Book of abstract. P. 135.
  15. Romaniv A. M. Greatest common left divisor of second ordre matrices // Conference of young Scientists “Pidstryhach reading2015. L’viv, Ukraine May 2628, 2015., L’viv. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (
  16. Romaniv A. M. On the least common right multiples of matrices over an adequate domain // International Algebraic Conference dedicated to 100 anniversary of L. A. Kaluzhnin in Ukraine, July 7–12, 2014. Book of abstract – Kyiv: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 2014. – P. 72.
  17. Romaniv A. M. On least common right multiples of singular matrices // Conference of young Scientists Pidstryhach reading2014. L’viv, Ukraine, May 2830, 2014., L’viv. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (
  18. Romaniv À.Ì. Greatest common left divisor of matrices one of which is disappear // 9th International Algebraic Conference in Ukraine. L’viv, Ukraine, Jule 512, 2013. Abstract of talks. – L’viv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. – P.156.
  19. M. Romaniv, V. P. Shchedryk On stable range of some class of matrices // International Conference “Modern Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics”. L’viv, Ukraine May 21–25, 2013., L’viv. Abstract. – L’viv: YA. S. Pidstryhach Institute for APMM NAS of Ukraine. – P. 201–202.
  20. Romaniv A. M., Shchedryk V. P. On Smith normal form of greatest common left divisor and least common right multiple of matrices // International mathematical conference: Abstract of talksMykolayiv: Published by Mykolayiv V.O. Suchomlinsky National University, 2012. – P. 116–117.
  21. Romaniv A. M. On Smith normal form of greatest common left divisor of matrices // Conference materials of young Scientists Pidstryhach reading2012. L’viv, Ukraine, May 23–25, 2012. P 3235. L’viv. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (
  22. Romaniv A. M. Monic divisors of polynomial matrices over infinite field // IV Conference of young Scientists Pidstryhach with Modern Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics. L’viv, Ukraine, May 24–27, 2011. Abstract. – L’viv: YA. S. Pidstryhach Institute for APMM NAS of Ukraine. – P. 264
  23. Romaniv A. M. On monic divisors of polynomial matrices // 8th International Algebraic Conference in Ukraine . Lugansk, Ukraine, July 5 – 12, 2011, Book of abstracts . – Lugansk Taras Shevchenko National University, Ukraine P. 178.
  24. Romaniv A. M. On monic divisors of singular polynomial matrices // International Skorobohatko mathematical conference. Drohobych, Ukraine, September 1923, 2011. AbstractsP. 176.
  25. Romaniv A. M. On monic divisors with canonical diagonal form  of polynomial matrices // Conference of young Scientists Pidstryhach reading2010. L’viv, Ukraine, May 25–26, 2010. L’viv. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (
  26. Romaniv A. M. On monic divisors with canonical diagonal form  of polynomial matrices // XIII international Scientific Kravchuk mathematical conference. Kyiv, Ukraine , May 13-15, 2010: Conference materials. V.2K. NTUU 320 p. (P. 237).
  27. Romaniv A. M. On some properties of a determinant matrix // Conference of young Scientists Pidstryhach with Modern Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics. L’viv, Ukraine, May 25–27, 2009.P. 184–185.
  28. Romaniv A. M. On regular divisors of polynomial matrices // 6th International Algebraic Conference in Ukraine. – Kamyanets-Podilsky, Ukraine, July 1–7, 2007. – P. 171–172.

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