Ravsky Oleksandr

Education: Ivan Franko Lviv State University (Speciality: Mathematics, 1998)

Scientific degree: PhD (2003)

Position: Senior researcher

Fields of interest:

Selected publications:

  1. Banakh, T., S. Bardyla, and A. Ravsky. “Embeddings into Countably Compact Hausdorff Spaces”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 75, no. 8, Aug. 2023, pp. 1032 -42, doi:10.3842/umzh.v75i8.2283.
  2. Chaplick S., Fleszar K,.Lipp F., Ravsky A., Verbitsky O., Wolff A. The Complexity of Drawing Graphs on Few Lines and Few Planes Journal of Graph // Algorithms and Applications Vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 459-488, 2023. https://jgaa.info/getPaper?id=630
  3. Banakh, I., Banakh, T., Kolinko, M., & Ravsky, A. (2023). Metric characterizations of some subsets of the real line. Matematychni Studii, 59(2), 205-214. https://doi.org/10.30970/ms.59.2.205-214
  4. Firman O., Kindermann P., Klemz B., Ravsky A., Wolff A., Zink J. "The Complexity of Finding Tangles" https://books.google.com.ua/books?hl=ru&lr=&id=rISjEAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA3&ots=6TjczIjkq3&sig=ZfEXGz06qgOLEjS7SuWi50TOHp4&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false
  5. Banakh, T.; Ravsky, A. On Unconditionally Convergent Series in Topological Rings // Carpathian Math. Publ. 2022, 14, 266-288. https://doi.org/10.15330/cmp.14.1.266-288.
  6. Ravsky, A., Banakh, T. (2022). Bounds on the extent of a topological space. // Matematychni Studii, 57(1), 62-67. https://doi.org/10.30970/ms.57.1.62-67
  7. Lin F., Ravsky A., Shi T., Suitable sets for paratopological groups, Revista de la real academia de ciencias exactas, fisicas y naturales. Serie A. Matem\'aticas 115:183 (2021).
  8. Banakh T., Ravsky A., Semitopological modules, Bukovinian mathematical journal, 9:1 (2021), 9–28.
  9. Banakh T., Ravsky A., On pseudobounded and premeager paratopological groups, Matematychni studii 56:1 (2021), 20–27.
  10. Banakh T., Bardyla S., Guran I., Gutik O., Ravsky A., Positive answers to Koch's problem in special cases, Topol. algebra appl. 8 (2020), 76–87.
  11. Banakh T., Bardyla S., Ravsky A., A metrizable semitopological semilattice with non-closed partial order, Topol. algebra appl. 8 (2020), 67–75.
  12. Banakh T., Bardyla S., Ravsky A., Embedding topological spaces into Hausdorff $\kappa$-bounded spaces, Topology appl. 280 (2020), 107277.
  13. Banakh T., Bardyla S., Ravsky A., A metrizable Lawson semitopological semilattice with non-closed partial order, Proc. intern. geom. center. 13:3 (2020), 10–17.
  14. Banakh T., Guran I., Ravsky A., Generalizing separability, precompactness and narrowness in topological groups, Revista de la real academia de ciencias exactas, fi sicas y naturales. Serie A. Matem\'aticas 115:18 (2020).
  15. Banakh T., Guran I., Ravsky A., Each topological group embeds into a duoseparable topological group, Topology appl. 289 (2020), 107487.
  16. Banakh T., Ravsky A., On feebly compact paratopological groups, Topology appl. 284 (2020), 107363.
  17. Banakh T., Ravsky A., Zero-sum subsets of decomposable sets in Abelian groups, Algebra and discrete mathematics 30:1 (2020), 15–25.
  18. Bardyla S., Ravsky A., Closed subsets of compact-like topological spaces, Applied general topology 21:2 (2020), 201–214.
  19. Bardyla S., Ravsky A., Zdomskyy L., A countably compact topological group with the non-countably pracompact square, Topology appl. 279 (2020), 107251.
  20. Chaplick S., Fleszar K., Lipp F., Ravsky A., Verbitsky O., Wolff A., Drawing graphs on few lines and few planes, Journal of computational geometry 11:1 (2020), 433–475.
  21. Chaplick S., van Dijk T., Kryven M., Park J.-W., Ravsky A., Wolff A., Bundled crossings revisited, Journal of graph algorithms and applications 24:4 (2020), 621–655.
  22. Lin F., Ravsky À., Zhang J., Countable tightness and $\mathfrak G$-bases on free topological groups, Revista de la real academia de ciencias exactas, fisicas y naturales. Serie A. Matem\'aticas 114:2:67 (2020).
  23. Banakh T.O., Bardyla S.O., Ravsky A.V. The closedness of complete subsemilattices in functionally Hausdorff semitopological semilattices // Topology Appl. – 2019. – 267. – 106874. – https://doi.org/10.1016/j.topol.2019.106874.
  24. Banakh T., Ravsky A. Banalytic spaces and characterization of Polish groups // Letters in mathematical sciences 1. – P.1–13, (published online 05.05.2019).
  25. Ravsky A. A note on compact-like semitopological groups // Carpathian mathematical publications – 2019. – 11, No. 2. – P. 442–452. – https://doi.org/10.15330/cmp.11.2.442-452.
  26. Kryven M., Ravsky A.V., Wolff A. Drawing graphs on few circles and few spheres // Journal of graph algorithms and applications – 2019. – 23, No. 2. – P. 371–391. – http://dx.doi.org/10.7155/jgaa.00495.
  27. Banakh T.O., Chervak O., Martynyuk T., Pylypovych M., Ravsky A.V., Simkiv M. Kuratowski monoids of n-topological spaces // Topol. Algebra Appl. – 2018 – 6. – P. 1–25. – https://doi.org/10.1515/taa-2018-0001.
  28. Banakh T.O., Ravsky A.V. The regularity of quotient paratopological groups // Matematychni studii – 2018. – 49, No. 2. – P. 144–149. – https://doi.org/10.15330/ms.49.2.144-149.
  29. Gutik O.V., Ravsky A.V. On old and new classes of feebly compact spaces // ³ñíèê Ëüâ³âñüêîãî óí³âåðñèòåòó, ñåð³ÿ ìåõàí³êî-ìàòåìàòè÷íà – 2018. – 85. – P. 48–59.
  30. Banakh T.O., Guran I.Y., Ravsky A.V. On the spread of topological groups containing subsets of the Sorgenfrey line // ³ñíèê Ëüâ³âñüêîãî óí³âåðñèòåòó, ñåð³ÿ ìåõàí³êî-ìàòåìàòè÷íà – 2018. – 86. – P. 63–70.
  31. van Dijk T.C., Fink M., Fischer N., Lipp F., Markfelder P., Ravsky A.V., Suri S., Wolff A. Block crossings in storyline visualizations // Journal of graph algorithms and applications – 2017. – 21, No. 5. – P. 873–913. – http://dx.doi.org/10.7155/jgaa.00443.
  32. Taras Banakh, Alex Ravsky. Each regular paratopological group is completely regular // PAMS. – 2017. – 145:3 – P. 1373-1382 (electronically published on September 15, 2016). http://dx.doi.org/10.1090/proc/13318
  33. Bardyla S., Gutik O., Ravsky A.. H-closed quasitopological groups // Topology Appl. – 2017. – 217 – P.51-58 (available online 15 December 2016).
  34. Taras Banakh, Alex Ravsky. Each regular paratopological group is completely regular // PAMS. – March 2017. – 145:3 – P. 1373-1382 (electronically published on September 15, 2016). http://dx.doi.org/10.1090/proc/13318
  35. Bardyla S., Gutik O., Ravsky A.. H-closed quasitopological groups // Topology Appl. – 2017. – 217 – P.51-58 (available online 15 December 2016).
  36. Taras Banakh, Alex Ravsky, Quasi-pseudometrics on quasi-uniform spaces and quasi-metrization of topological monoids, Topology Appl 200, (2016), 19–43.
  37. Taras Banakh, Alex Ravsky, Verbal covering properties of topological spaces, Topology Appl. 201, (2016), 181–205.
  38. Taras Banakh, Alex Ravsky, On the submetrizability number and i-weight of quasiuniform spaces and paratopological groups, Topology Proc 47, (2016), 221–259.
  39. Taras Banakh, Alex Ravsky, Sergiy Slobodianiuk, On partitions of G-spaces and G-lattices, Int. J. Algebra Computation 26, (2016) 2, 283–308.
  40. Taras Banakh, Igor Guran, Alex Ravsky, Manifolds admitting a continuous cancellative binary operation are orientable, Journal of Lie Theory 16, (2016), 1177–1185.
  41. Áàíàõ T.O., Ìàñëþ÷åíêî Â.Ê., Ðàâñüêèé O.Â. Íàï³âòîïîëîã³÷í³ âåêòîðí³ ïðîñòîðè // Ìàòåìàòè÷íèé â³ñíèê Íàóêîâîãî òîâàðèñòâà ³ì. Øåâ÷åíêà. – 2016. – 13 – Ñ. 84–89.
  42. Oleg Gutik, Alex Ravsky, On feebly compact inverse primitive (semi)topological semigroups, Matematychni Studii 44 (2015) ?¹1, 3–26.
  43. Oleg Gutik, Alex Ravsky, Pseudocompactness, products and Brandt $\lambda _0$-extensions of semitopological monoids, Ìàò. ìåòîäè ô³ç.-ìåõ. ïîëÿ 58 (2015), 2, 20–37.
  44. Ravsky O. V. Paratopological groups II // Matematychni Studii. – 2002. – 17, ¹1 – P.93-101.
  45. Ravsky O. V. Paratopological groups I // Matematychni Studii. – 2001. – 16, ¹1 – P.37-48.
  46. Ravsky O.V. On cake dividing // Matematychni Studii. – 2001. – 15, ¹2 – P.215-216.

Phone: (032) 258-51-77

E-mail: oravsky– at–mail.ru