Preparation and Submission of Abstracts

Two-page abstract of A5 page (148 mm x 210 mm) using Word 6.0/7.0/97/2000 and Equation Editor with 15 mm margins, 0.75 cm indentation and one-spaced. Please use the Journal type font.

The page layout


The abovementioned parts should be separated by one blank line.
Figures should be presented using the original editor, figure explanations should be in the text of the paper. Tables should be formatted using Word 6.0/7.0/97/2000. Each table should start with a caption (Table # , 10 pt, bold, italic). Tables should be separated from the text by one blank line.

Equation Editor Parameters

Style: text, function, number – Journal; variable – Journal, Italic, symbol – Symbol; matrix-vector – Journal, bold.
Size: ordinary – 10 pt, large index – 8 pt, small index – 6 pt, symbol – 15 pt, symbol index – 10 pt.