Contents |
2009, 52, No. 2 |
5–6 |
L. P. |
2009, 52, No. 2 |
7–16 |
O. G. Resolvent comparability of
maximal dissipative extensions of symmetric operator having an arbitrary
deficiency index |
2009, 52, No. 2 |
17–22 |
V. M., Fedorchuk V. ². On equivalence of functional bases of differential
invariants of nonconjugated subgroups of local Lie groups of point
transformations |
2009, 52, No. 2 |
23–27 |
Antonova T. M., Sus’ O.
M. On one of figured
convergence criterion for two-dimensional continued fractions with complex
elements |
2009, 52, No. 2 |
28–35 |
Portnyagin D. V. Estimates of weak solutions to nondiagonal
parabolic system of two equations |
2009, 52, No. 2 |
36–41 |
P. O., Protsakh L. P. Methods of implicit
functions for the solution of the two-parameter linear spectral problems |
2009, 52, No. 2 |
42–49 |
A. A. Mathematical models based on singular integral equations
with non-Carleman shift. Solvability analysis and numerical methods of solution |
2009, 52, No. 2 |
50–54 |
Ya. Yo., Moroz H. I., Boyko Z. V. On energetic approach and
thermodynamic foundations of variational formulation of thermomechanics
boundary-value problems with taking into account near-surface phenomena |
2009, 52, No. 2 |
55–65 |
Prokopovych I. B. About deformable solid state function
dependence on rotation measure |
2009, 52, No. 2 |
66–71 |
V. ²., Ulitko A. F. On one
property of solution of elasticity theory problems for two half-spaces or
half-planes |
2009, 52, No. 2 |
72–80 |
S. V., Loboda V. V. Periodic
set of electrically permeable interface cracks between two piezoelectric
materials |
2009, 52, No. 2 |
81–91 |
A. V. Equilibrium of
incompressible half-space weakened by the internal symmetrical V-shaped
crack with vertex which lies on the surface |
2009, 52, No. 2 |
92–102 |
Dovbnya K. M., Gordienko N. N. Study of strength of elastoplastic orthotropic shell
of arbitrary curvature with surface crack |
2009, 52, No. 2 |
103–108 |
Varvaretska G. A., Popov V. G. Interaction of harmonic torsion wave with
ring-shaped defects in elastic body |
2009, 52, No. 2 |
109–117 |
Avramov K. V. Nonlinear vibrations of circular plates with cuts. R-function method |
2009, 52, No. 2 |
118–127 |
Shopa T. V. Investigation of frequencies of natural vibrations of transversally-isotropic
cylindrical panel with circular hole |
2009, 52, No. 2 |
128–137 |
Avramenko L. Ye., Shevchenko V. P. Thermoelasticity of orthotropic shells under moving
concentrated source of heat |
2009, 52, No. 2 |
138–151 |
Chekurin V. F., Senkiv L. M. Residual stresses in orthotropic cylindrical
shell due to linear incompatibility of strains |
2009, 52, No. 2 |
152–156 |
Maksymuk O. V., Stashchuk M. G., Dorosh M. I. Calculation of parameters of honeycomb polymer
pipeline, supported by periodical system of elastic ribs |
2009, 52, No. 2 |
157–165 |
M. Ye., Maksymenko-Sheyko K. V., Sheyko
T. I. Mathematical
modeling of heat conduction processes for structural elements of nuclear plants by R-functions
method |
2009, 52, No. 2 |
166–178 |