International Conference on Modern Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics will be held in L’viv on the basis of Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics and Franko National University of L’viv.
Discussing modern achievements in the field of mechanics and mathematics, in particular, related closely to the research activities of Ya.S.Pidstryhach, makes the objective of the Conference.
It is expected that over 400 scientists actively working in different branches of mechanics and mathematics, will participate in the Conference.
The Conference starts its work on May 26, 2008, when 80 years passes since the birth of Yaroslav Stepanovych Pidstryhach, a prominent scientist in the branch of mechanics of deformable bodies, State prize winner and Honored Scientist of Ukraine, Academician of NASU.
He devoted his life to science and his name will always be associated with achievements inthermodynamics of non-equilibrium processes, thermomechanics, mechanothermodiffusion, magnetothermomechanics of electroconducting bodies, hydroacoustics, mechanics and bodies with coatings and surface phenomena and other directions of modern mechanics.
Ya.S.Pidstryhach worked also on the urgent mathematical problems of mechanics, applied mathematics and other overlapping sciences. He sought for new forms of collaboration between science and industry.
The Conference will comprise plenary lectures, oral presentations, and poster sessions. It covers a wide spectrum of subjects related to the following topics:
- Mathematical Modeling in Mechanics of Deformable Solids.
- Mathematical Methods of Mechanics and Thermomechanics.
- Mechanics of Non-Homogeneous Solids and Nanomechanics.
- Mechanics of Contact Interactions, Solids with Cracks and Thin Inclusions.
- Dynamic Problems of Mechanics of Non-Homogeneous Structures.
- Biomechanics.
- Optimization and Design of Thin-Walled Constructions.
- Strength and Fatigue of Materials.
- Numerical Methods.
- Theory of Functions and Functional Analysis.
- Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics.
- Algebra and Topology.
Official Languages of the Conference will be Ukrainian, Russian and English. |