

Lviv, Ukraine, October 26–30, 2020

We take pleasure to invite you to participate in the 11th International Skorobohatko Mathematical Conference. The conference will take place on-line from 26 to 30 of October 2020.

This conference continues a series of previous conferences, initiated in 1987 by Professor Vitaliy Skorobohat’ko and academician Anatoliy Dorodnitsyn. The areas of V. Skorobohat'ko research are reflected in the titles of the conference sections:

The conference is organized by Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics of NASU (Lviv), Institute of Mathematics of NASU (Kyiv), Ivan Franko National University (Lviv), National University “Lviv Polytechnic”. Members of Scientific and Organizing Committees are listed on the web site of the conference.

Working languages of the conference are Ukrainian, English (recommended)

Registration. We encourage all interested scientists to register at

Abstracts. You are invited to submit an abstract of your talk. The Electronic Book of Abstracts will be prepared before the conference. Only one submission per author will be accepted. An abstract has to be in English and should be prepared in Latex, see instructions.

An abstract should be sent both as PDF file and as the source LaTeX file to

The scientific committee will reject submissions that are outside the scope of the conference.

Registration fee is

Deadline for registration and abstract submission is 20 July 2020 24 August 2020.

We will be glad to see you and your colleagues at our conference!

Please circulate this announcement among your colleagues.