Mathematical methods and physico-mechanical fields. – 2010. – 53, No. 4




2010, 53, No. 4

text (00e)


Kalenyuk P. I., Kohut I. V., Nytrebych Z. M. Problem with in­teg­ral con­di­tion for par­tial dif­fe­ren­tial equa­tion of the first order in time

2010, 53, No. 4

abstracts (01)


Fedorchuk V. M., Fedorchuk V. I. Ñàâêà ². ß. Invariant operators for four-di­men­si­onal non-con­ju­ga­ted sub­al­gebras of Lie algebra of Poincaré group

2010, 53, No. 4

abstracts (02)


Dmytryshyn R. I. On expansion of some functions into two-di­men­si­onal -frac­tion with non-equivalent variables

2010, 53, No. 4

abstracts (03)


Romaniv A. M. Áóãð³é Î. Ì., Ãëèíÿíñüêà Õ. Ï. Unital divisors with one invariant factor of poly­no­mial mat­rices

2010, 53, No. 4

abstracts (04)


Biletskyy V. M. Ïèð÷ Modification of method of generalized se­pa­ra­tion of va­riables for sol­ving mul­ti­di­men­sional integral equations

2010, 53, No. 4

abstracts (05)


Snitko H. À. Ùåäðèê Â. Ï.Inverse problem of finding the time-dependent co­ef­fi­cients in pa­ra­bo­lic equa­tion in free boundary domain

2010, 53, No. 4

abstracts (06)


Mahola Ya. S., Sheremeta M. M. Áàðàí Î. ª.On properties of entire solutions of li­near dif­fe­ren­tial equa­tions with polynomial coefficients

2010, 53, No. 4

abstracts (07)


Kutniv M. V., Pazdriy O. I. ². ².,Ïðîêîïèøèí ². ².Exact three-point difference scheme for non­li­near boun­dary-value problem on semi-axis

2010, 53, No. 4

abstracts (08)


Prokopovych I. B. Ïðîêîïîâè÷ ². Á. General approach to mathematical models for non­de­struc­tive stress tes­ting. II. Physical model and equations of local connection bet­ween stres­ses and their initial distribution

2010, 53, No. 4

abstracts (09)


Polishchuk A. S., Chernyakov Yu. A. ²., Êàðíàóõîâà Ò. Â., Ïåðåñóíüêî Ì. Â.Some questions concerning ve­ri­fi­ca­tion of the plas­ti­city theories for metals with strength-differential

2010, 53, No. 4

abstracts (10)


Kryven V. A., Valyashek V. B. Ãðèãîðåíêî À. ß., Ïóçûðåâ Ñ. Â., Ïðèãîäà À. Ï., Õîðèøêî Â. Â.Initial stage of plastic exfo­li­ation of rect­angle in­clu­sion at con­di­tion of one-sided contact with environment

2010, 53, No. 4

abstracts (11)


Mukha I. S., Nesplyak D. M. Êóðïà Ë. Â., Ìàçóð Î. Ñ.Numerical analysis of processes of ther­mo­plastic de­for­ma­tion of axisymmetric bodies with regard for unloading

2010, 53, No. 4

abstracts (12)


Dovbnya K. M., Yartemik V. V., Gur’yeva I. V. Stress state of elastico-plastic iso­tro­pic shell with through crack with regard for material hardening

2010, 53, No. 4

abstracts (13)


Halazyuk V. A., Sulym H. Ò. Fundamental system of solutions of axi­sym­met­ric elas­ti­ci­ty theo­ry problem for body with plane sheet of vo­lume mo­ment di­poles and forces

2010, 53, No. 4

abstracts (14)


Ostrik V. I., Schokotova O. M. Ìàòóñ Â. Â.Plane contact problem of indentation punch in­to elas­tic wedge

2010, 53, No. 4

abstracts (15)


Protsyuk Yu. B. Ìàòóñ Â. Â.Static thermoelasticity problems for thermosensitive plates with cu­bic dependence of heat conductivity coefficients on temperature

2010, 53, No. 4

abstracts (16)


Bernakevych I. E., Vahin P. P., Shot I. Ya. Ìàòóñ Â. Â.Study of stable equilibrium of thin shells, com­pliant to shear and pressure

2010, 53, No. 4

abstracts (17)


Grigorenko A. Ya., Efimova T. L., Sokolova L. V. Ìàòóñ Â. Â.On free vibrations of cy­lindri­cal shells (not thin) with variable thickness based on spline-col­lo­ca­tion me­thod

2010, 53, No. 4

abstracts (18)


Piddubniak O. P., Piddubniak N. G., Klimas M. The train sound radiation

2010, 53, No. 4

abstracts (19)


Plakhtiyenkî M. P. Ìàòóñ Â. Â.Nonclassical relations between elements of Gram’s mat­rices of vec­tors system of unitary Hilbert space

2010, 53, No. 4

abstracts (20)






To the 6070-th birth anniversary of Professor Volodymyr Jan Oleksandrovych Kubik

2010, 53, No. 4

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ALPHABETICAL INDEX for 2010 (vol. 53)

2010, 53, No. 4

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