Mathematical methods and physico-mechanical fields. – 2012. – 55, No. 2




2012, 55, No. 2

text (00e)


Kuchmins’ka Kh. Yo. Two-dimensional regular C-fractions

2012, 55, No. 2

abstracts (01a)


Komatsu T. Ñàâêà ². ß.On convergents of certain values of Tasoev continued fractions as­sociated with Diophantine equations

2012, 55, No. 2

abstracts (02a)


Mytrofanov M. A. Properties of separating polynomials and separating uni­formly analytic functions

2012, 55, No. 2

abstracts (03a)


Konarovska M. I. Áóãð³é Î. Ì., Ãëèíÿíñüêà Õ. Ï.On problems without initial conditions for singular parabolic systems

2012, 55, No. 2

abstracts (04a)


Shchogolev S. A. On a special case of existence of quasilinear differential sys­tems solutions represented by Fourier-series with slowly varying para­meters

2012, 55, No. 2

abstracts (05a)


Sukhorolsky Ì. À., Dostoyna V. V. Ùåäðèê Â. Ï.One class of biorthogonal systems of func­tions that appears at solving Helmholtz equation in cylindrical coordi­nate system

2012, 55, No. 2

abstracts (06a)


Andreykiv A. Ye., Dolinska I. Ya., Kukhar V. Z. ². ².,Ïðîêîïèøèí ². ².Mathematical model for deter­mination of life-time of plates with systems of cracks under long-term static breaking load and high temperature

2012, 55, No. 2

abstracts (07a)


Pasternak Ia. M., Sulym H. T. Coupled 2D electric, magnetic and mechanical fields in dielectrics with cracks and thin inclusions

2012, 55, No. 2

abstracts (08a)


Dovbnya K. M., Dmitriyeva I. V., Yeremina N. D. Ïðîêîïîâè÷ ². Á.Study of the size of plastic zones at the crack tips in orthotropic shell with accounting material hardening

2012, 55, No. 2

abstracts (09a)


Loveikin A. V. ²., Êàðíàóõîâà Ò. Â., Ïåðåñóíüêî Ì. Â.Feature of stress behavior in incompressible half-space with internal V-shaped crack lying in the plane perpendicular to the half-space surface and its tip reaches the surface

2012, 55, No. 2

abstracts (10a)


Nazarchuk Z. T., Kuryliak D. B., Voytko M. V., Kulynych Ya. P. Ãðèãîðåíêî À. ß., Ïóçûðåâ Ñ. Â., Ïðèãîäà À. Ï., Õîðèøêî Â. Â.On interaction of elastic SH-wave with interface crack in absolutely rigid joint of plate and half-space

2012, 55, No. 2

abstracts (11a)


Yankovskii A. P. Êóðïà Ë. Â., Ìàçóð Î. Ñ.Visco-plastic dynamics of metal-composite shells of la­yered-fib­rous structure under loadings of explosive type. I. For­mu­lation of the problem and method of solution

2012, 55, No. 2

abstracts (12a)


Kaloerov S. A., Petrenko O. A. Thermoviscoelasticity problem for piece­wise homogeneous anisotropic plate

2012, 55, No. 2

abstracts (13a)


Gorynin G. L., Nemirovskii Yu. V. Ìàòóñ Â. Â.Method of rigidity func­tions in prob­lems of cal­cu­lation of mul­ti­layered bars at tem­pe­ra­ture loa­dings

2012, 55, No. 2

abstracts (14a)


Fialko S. Yu., Lumelskyy D. E. Ìàòóñ Â. Â.On numerical re­ali­za­tion of tor­sion and bending problems for prismatic bars with arbitrary cross sections

2012, 55, No. 2

abstracts (15a)


Belubekyan M. V., Sanoyan Yu. G. To Ìàòóñ Â. Â.stability problem of com­po­site pla­tes un­der its hea­ting

2012, 55, No. 2

abstracts (16a)


Papkov S. Î. Ìàòóñ Â. Â.Steady-state forced vibrations of a rectan­gu­lar or­tho­tro­pic prism

2012, 55, No. 2

abstracts (17a)


Terletskii R. F., Turii O. P. Modeling and investigation of heat trans­fer in plates with thin coatings in view of radiation effect

2012, 55, No. 2

absracts (18a)
