Department of Theory of
Physico-Mechanical Fields
Main Results
- A variant of the theory of quantitative description in the
interconnection of electromagnetic, thermal and mechanical
processes in electroconductive deformable solids with different
electrical conductivity and the ability to magnetization and
polarization subjected to quasi-steady electromagnetic fields of
the radio and infrared frequency ranges is constructed
- A research methodology of thermo-stressed state of
electroconductive solids at high-temperature induction heating
is proposed. It may also be applied to research of temperature
fields and stresses in the solids made from electroconductive
non-metallic materials subjected to quasi-steady electromagnetic
- A mathematical model of the quantitative description of
interconnected mechanical, thermal and diffusion processes in
partially transparent solids with gas admixtures subjected to
both electromagnetic fields of the radio frequency range and
infrared radiation is constructed
- A mathematical model and method of quantitative calculation of
phase composition and corresponding residual stresses in the
products made of glass and low-alloy steels subjected to simple
(monotonic) cooling modes have been developed
- A numerical-analytical method of optimization of the
thermo-stressed state of electroconductive solids at heating by
external quasi-steady electromagnetic radiation and convective
is proposed, when the areas of permissible change of the
external action parameters and the thermo-stressed state
are specified. The method is based on the constructed variant of
the theory of thermomechanics of electroconductive solids, the
variational calculus and the optimization methods of local
variations and gradient projections, in which the numerical
methods for solving direct problems are used
- A mathematical model of high-speed deformation of
thermoelastic solids was constructed, which takes into account
the effects of the inertia of the mechanical form of motion
- A method for investigating the effect of cooling modes on the
stress-strain state of solids during high temperature annealing,
taking into account the thermoelastoplastic deformation has been
- A methodology of stress optimization of the heat treatment
processes in the technologies of the manufacturing of
electrovacuum devices is developed
- A method of investigation the thermo-stressed state of the
shells made from magnetic electroconductive materials, subjected
to quasi-steady electromagnetic field, taking into account a
skin effect was worked out in cooperation with Opole University
of Technology and L’viv Faculty of Dnipro National Technical
University of Railway Transport
- A model of thermomechanics of non-ferromagnetic non-dielectric
electroconductive solids subjected to electromagnetic action,
which has the character of the regime with amplitude modulation
at pulsed modulating signal has been constructed in cooperation
with L’viv Polytechnic National University. It provided an
opportunity to perform a wide range of studies of the mechanical
behavior of elements of structures and devices depending on the
characteristics of impulse action and material properties
- An approach to the determination of radiation and thermal
characteristics of solids with different transparency was
proposed during the cooling process research. The features of
known models describing the radiation and heat transfer for
solids with different radiation properties and the possibility
of using simplified heat transfer models in elasticity problems
are studied
- A variant of the theory of mechano-thermo-electro-diffusion of
solids capable to magnetization and polarization under the
action of an external electromagnetic field is constructed. The
effect of electromagnetic and temperature fields on the
diffusion of neutral particles in the ferromagnetic layer is
- A research methodology the thermomechanical behavior and
bearing capacity of non-ferromagnetic electroconductive solids
with plane-parallel boundaries subjected to characteristic types
of pulsed electromagnetic fields with modulation of amplitude,
taking into account the thermoelastic energy dissipation has
been developed
- A numerical method for research and optimization of residual
phase and stress states of thin plates made of low-carbon
low-alloy steels, subjected to local high-temperature heating by
moving normally distributed heat sources and subsequent
monotonic cooling, is proposed
- A technique of determination of bearing capacity and resource
of power aggregates elements which are in conditions of
long-term exploitation is constructed. The basis of mathematical
models of quantitative description of deformation processes of
technical equipment elements is the three-dimensional relations
of the theory of thermo-elasto-plastic, which allowed to
adequately take into account the actual form of structural
elements, especially in the vicinity of damaged areas or repair
interventions. The technique has been used to develop the
technology of repair works on the steam boiler drum of the block
No.5 of DTEK Burshtyn TES