Department of Theory of
Physico-Mechanical Fields
Department of
Theory of Physico-Mechanical Fields (No.13) was established in
April 1969 in the Physico-Mechanical Institute of the Academy of
Sciences of Ukraine. Since 1973 he functioned in the L'viv branch
of mathematical physics of the Institute of Mathematics of the
Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, which in 1978 was
reorganized into the Institute for Applied Problems of Mechanics
and Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR.
The organizer of the department's establishment and its head
(until May 1995) was a doctor of physico-mathematical sciences,
professor Y.Y. Burak. The department staff carried out research on
scientific areas: construction of models of the mechanics of
electroconductive and semiconductive solids taking into account
the interaction of mechanical, thermal and electromagnetic fields;
development of theoretical bases and methods of optimization in
thermomechanics with application to the problems of control of
residual stresses and deformations in elements of thin-walled
structures and progressive technology of strengthening of existing
oil and gas pipelines with corrosion defects; development of
theoretical and technical bases of electromagnetic methods for
studying the structure and dynamics of the Earth's crust; study of
interaction and statistical correlations in systems of particles
and solids taking into account the fields of different nature.
Since May 1995, the department is headed by the doctor of
physico-mathematical sciences, professor O.R. Hachkevych.
- Development of
mathematical models and methods of coupled fields mechanics for
research and optimization of thermo-stressed state of
electroconductive solids subjected to complex external loads,
which take into account the structural changes of the material
at elevated temperatures.
- Development of
mathematical modeling methodologies for research and
optimization of nonlinear thermo-mechanical and
mechano-thermo-diffusion processes in multicomponent solids of
different electrical conductivity and the ability to
magnetization and polarization.
- Creation of theoretical
bases of technologies of manufacturing and processing of
structural elements of engineering devices of various intended
purposes, in particular, renewable power and military equipment.
- Formulation and
research of non-classical boundary value problems of
mathematical physics on the basis of systems of differential
equations describing the interconnection of mechanical and
electromagnetic processes with heat and mass transfer processes
and phase changes in multicomponent solids.
In these directions, the mathematical and technical problems of
mechanics are solved:
- development of a variant of the theory of thermomechanics and
mechano-thermo-diffusion of magnetizable and polarizable
electroconductive solids subjected to electromagnetic action of
the radio and infrared frequency ranges. Research on this basis
of processes of the transfer of heat and impurity substance in
porous media;
- mathematical modeling and optimization of technological
processes of heat treatment of products from metallic (steel,
alloys on the basis of titanium, etc.) and nonmetallic (glass,
ceramics, etc.) materials taking into account the structural
transformations and features of mechanical behavior of solids at
elevated temperatures;
- physico-mathematical modeling and optimization of the
stress-strain state of thin-walled elements of structures and
mass transfer in them, caused by the action of high-intensity
external loads;
- development of model ideas about the deformation of layered
thin-walled elements of structures from new multicomponent
materials (homogeneous and heterogeneous, composite, porous)
subjected to intense thermal load (in particular, the action of
electromagnetic radiation) and heat exchange at high gradients
of temperature and significant change of thermophysical
characteristics of materials.
According to
the main scientific directions of the department, 10 Doctors of
Sciences (O.R. Hachkevych, R.V. Filtz, R.P. Gaida, Y.S. Sapuzhak,
I.V. Ohirko, Y.D. Zozulyak, R.F. Terlets'kyi, R.S. Musii, B.D.
Drobenko and S.F. Budz), 47 Candidates of Sciences, and 1 Doctor
of Philosophy have been trained, 47 monographs were published, 22
certificates of authorship were received, 5 collections of
scientific works on the theory of physico-mechanical fields and
their applications, and 2 two-volume bibliographical indexes of
domestic and foreign literature (for 1969-1981 and for 1983-1987)
on the optimization of mechanical systems were published.
The department staff as part of
the author's collectives were awarded 4 State Prizes of Ukraine
in science and technology (Y.Y. Burak and B.I. Kolodii in 1975
for the work “Development and implementation into practice of
optimal regimes of zonal tempering of welds of shell-type
structures”; S.F. Budz and V.I. Shelepets in 1981 for the work
"Mechanico-mathematical substantiation, development and
implementation of high-performance technologies for
manufacturing of electron-beam devices”; O.R. Hachkevych and
R.F. Terlets'kyi in 2017 for the work “Effective methods for
stress state estimation in nonhomogeneous structures caused by
the action of fields of different physical nature”; B.D.
Drobenko in 2019), Krylov Prize of the National Academy of
Sciences of Ukraine (Y.Y. Burak, O.R. Hachkevych and R.F.
Terlets’kyi in 1999 for the work “Mathematical models and
boundary value problems of thermomechanics of electroconductive
continual systems”) and Ostrogradsky Prize of the National
Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (B.D. Drobenko in 2018 for the
work “Analytico-numerical methods of research of qualitative
behavior of complex mechanical systems”).