Contents |
2009, 52, No. 3 |
5–6 |
Gutik O. V., Reiter A. R.
Symmetric inverse topological semigroups of finite rank |
2009, 52, No. 3 |
7–14 |
B. M. On one approach to finding
the branching lines and bifurcation points of solutions of nonlinear integral
equations the kernels of which analytically depend on two spectral
parameters |
2009, 52, No. 3 |
15–29 |
Shakhno S. M. Convergence of inexact difference methods under
the generalized
Lipschitz conditions |
2009, 52, No. 3 |
30–40 |
Uvarova C. A. |
2009, 52, No. 3 |
41–46 |
Dmytryshyn Yu. B. Dynamic boundary-value problems without initial
conditions for almost linear parabolic equations |
2009, 52, No. 3 |
47–58 |
Bomba A. Y., Fursachyk O. A. Inverse
singularly perturbed problems of convection-diffusion type in quadrangular
curvilinear regions |
2009, 52, No. 3 |
59–66 |
Sukhorolsky M. A., Liubytska O. Z. Summation of multiple trigonometric series by
generalized methods formulated by using |
2009, 52, No. 3 |
67–77 |
Dyyak I.
I., Prokopyshyn I. I. Convergence
of Neumann parallel scheme of domain decomposition for frictionless
elastic multibody contact problems |
2009, 52, No. 3 |
78–89 |
Prokopovych I. B. Independence principles in equations
of state of the deformable material |
2009, 52, No. 3 |
90–102 |
Grigorenko A. Ya., Efimova T. L., Sokolova L. V. About an approach to study free vibrations of
cylindrical shells with variable thickness in a circular direction within
refined theory |
2009, 52, No. 3 |
103–115 |
Kozlov V. I., Karnaukhova Ò. V., Peresun’ko Ì. V. Numerical modeling of active damping of forced
thermomechanical resonance vibrations of viscoelastic shells of revolution
by piezoelectric inclusions |
2009, 52, No. 3 |
116–126 |
Ghazaryan K. B., Ghazaryan R. A., Mikilyan M. A. Magnetoelastic vibrations of electrically
conductive elastic layer in longitudinal magnetic field |
2009, 52, No. 3 |
127–132 |
Kravchyshyn O. Z., Chekurin V. F. Iterative method of solution for initially boundary-value
problem on propagation of elastic disturbance in inhomogeneously
strained body |
2009, 52, No. 3 |
133–139 |
Selezov I. T., Kuznetcov V. N., Chernikov D. O. Generation of surface gravity waves by bottom
time-repetitive pulses |
2009, 52, No. 3 |
140–145 |
V. V., Newton P. K., Ostrovskyi V. V.
Stability of point vortex
configurations on a sphere |
2009, 52, No. 3 |
146–159 |
Nikolaev A.
G., Scherbakova Y. A. Apparatus and applications of generalized Fourier method
for transversally isotropic bodies bounded by surface
and paraboloid of rotation |
2009, 52, No. 3 |
160–169 |
Vlasyuk A. P., Martinyuk P. M. Numerical solution of 3-D soil filtration consolidation
problems taking into account salt and heat transfer by the radial basis
function method |
2009, 52, No. 3 |
170–181 |
Morgunov M. O., Ostrik V. I., Ulitko A. F. Contact with tearing off under bending of elastic
strip by rigid disk |
2009, 52, No. 3 |
182–191 |
Harmatiy H.
Yu., Popovych V. S.
Thermoelastic state of unbounded thermosensitive body with cylindrical
cavity under condition of convective heat exchange |
2009, 52, No. 3 |
192–200 |
Solyar T. Ya. Definition of non-stationary temperature fields and
stresses in piece-wise homogeneous circular plates on the basis of numerical-analytical
Laplace inversion formula |
2009, 52, No. 3 |
201–208 |
Chernyak M. S. Interaction
between crack and cylindrical inclusion under heating and body extension |
2009, 52, No. 3 |
209–216 |
Gristchak V. Z., Pogrebitskaya A. M. Double
asymptotic decomposition in the problem of radiant heat exchange of
circular edges of trapezoidal form |
2009, 52, No. 3 |
217–223 |