Mathematical methods and physico-mechanical fields. – 2009. – 52, No. 3





2009, 52, No. 3

text (00e)


Gutik O. V., Reiter A. R. Symmetric inverse topological se­mi­groups of fi­ni­te rank

2009, 52, No. 3

abstracts (01à)


Podlevskyi B. M. On one approach to finding the branching lines and bi­furcation points of solutions of non­li­near in­teg­ral equ­a­tions the ker­nels of which ana­ly­ti­cally depend on two spectral parameters

2009, 52, No. 3

abstracts (02à)


Shakhno S. M. Convergence of inexact difference me­thods un­der the ge­ne­­ra­­lized Lipschitz conditions

2009, 52, No. 3

abstracts (03à)


Uvarova C. A. -functions method as supportive ex­tension for Ritz method and least squares method

2009, 52, No. 3

abstracts (04à)


Dmytryshyn Yu. B. Dynamic boundary-value problems with­out ini­tial con­ditions for almost linear parabolic equations

2009, 52, No. 3

abstracts (05à)


Bomba A. Y., Fursachyk O. A. Inverse singularly perturbed prob­lems of con­vec­tion-diffusion type in quadrangular curvilinear regions

2009, 52, No. 3

abstracts (06à)


Sukhorolsky M. A., Liubytska O. Z. Summation of mul­tiple tri­go­no­met­ric series by generalized methods formulated by using -like fi­nite functions

2009, 52, No. 3

abstracts (07à)


Dyyak I. I., Prokopyshyn I. I. Convergence of Neu­mann pa­rallel scheme of do­main decomposition for frictionless elastic multi­bo­dy contact problems

2009, 52, No. 3

abstracts (08à)


Prokopovych I. B. Independence principles in equations of state of the defor­mable material

2009, 52, No. 3

abstracts (09à)


Grigorenko A. Ya., Efimova T. L., Sokolova L. V. About an ap­proach to study free vibrations of cylindrical shells with variable thick­ness in a circular di­rec­tion within refined theory

2009, 52, No. 3

abstracts (10à)


Kozlov V. I., Karnaukhova Ò. V., Peresun’ko Ì. V. Numeri­cal mo­deling of active dam­ping of forced thermomechanical reso­nance vib­rations of viscoelastic shells of revolution by piezoelectric inclu­sions

2009, 52, No. 3

abstracts (11à)


Ghazaryan K. B., Ghazaryan R. A., Mikilyan M. A. Mag­ne­to­elas­tic vib­ra­tions of electrically conductive elastic layer in lon­gi­tu­di­nal mag­netic field

2009, 52, No. 3

abstracts (12à)


Kravchyshyn O. Z., Chekurin V. F. Iterative method of solution for initially bo­un­dary-value problem on propagation of elastic dis­tur­ban­ce in inhomo­ge­ne­ously strained body

2009, 52, No. 3

abstracts (13à)


Selezov I. T., Kuznetcov V. N., Chernikov D. O. Generation of sur­face gra­vity waves by bottom time-repetitive pulses

2009, 52, No. 3

abstracts (14à)


Meleshko V. V., Newton P. K., Ostrovskyi V. V. Stability of point vor­tex con­­fi­­gu­­ra­tions on a sphere

2009, 52, No. 3

abstracts (15à)


Nikolaev A. G., Scherbakova Y. A. Apparatus and applications of generalized Fourier method for transversally isotropic bodies bounded by surface and paraboloid of rotation

2009, 52, No. 3

abstracts (16à)


Vlasyuk A. P., Martinyuk P. M. Numerical solution of 3-D soil fil­tra­tion conso­li­da­tion problems taking into account salt and heat transfer by the radial basis function method

2009, 52, No. 3

abstracts (17à)


Morgunov M. O., Ostrik V. I., Ulitko A. F. Contact with tearing off un­der ben­ding of elastic strip by rigid disk

2009, 52, No. 3

abstracts (18à)


Harmatiy H. Yu., Popovych V. S. Thermoelastic state of un­boun­ded ther­mo­sen­si­tive body with cylindrical cavity under condition of con­vective heat exchange

2009, 52, No. 3

abstracts (19à)


Solyar T. Ya. Definition of non-stationary temperature fields and stres­ses in pie­ce-wise ho­mogeneous circular plates on the basis of nu­merical-analytical Laplace inversion formula

2009, 52, No. 3

abstracts (20à)


Chernyak M. S. Interaction between crack and cylindrical in­clu­sion un­der hea­ting and body extension

2009, 52, No. 3

abstracts (21à)


Gristchak V. Z., Pogrebitskaya A. M. Double asymptotic de­com­po­si­tion in the prob­lem of radiant heat exchange of circular edges of trapezoidal form

2009, 52, No. 3

abstracts (22à)
