Ñîäåðæàíèå. Contents |
2020, 63, No. 1 |
1–6 |
Storozh O. H. Maximal àccretive and nonnegative
extensions of nonnegative linear relation |
2020, 63, No. 1 |
7–20 |
Ya. O., |
2020, 63, No. 1 |
21–36 |
A. V., Kutn³v M. V., Khomenko N. V. Algoritmic
realization of exact three-point difference scheme for
Sturm – Liouville problem |
2020, 63, No. 1 |
37–51 |
H. A., Shynkarenko H. A. Analysis of the problem on
harmonic waves in elastic body and its |
2020, 63, No. 1 |
52–64 |
V. J., Loboda V. V. Finite element analysis of elastic-plastic
state of the plane with elliptic inclusion in the presence of interphase
crack |
2020, 63, No. 1 |
65–74 |
Kunets Ya. |
2020, 63, No. 1 |
75–93 |
V. G. Two-dimensional dynamic problems of the elasticity
theory reducing to singular integral equations with non-movable
singularities |
2020, 63, No. 1 |
94–105 |
Ostryk V. I. Contact
of faces of interphase semi-infinite crack |
2020, 63, No. 1 |
106–121 |
Kryvyi O. F., Morozov Yu. O. Fundamental
solutions for a piece-homogeneous transversely isotropic elastic space |
2020, 63, No. 1 |
122–132 |
Maksymuk O. V. The
peculiarities in contact interaction and wear of thin-walled elements of
construction |
2020, 63, No. 1 |
133–148 |
Kushnir R. M., Yasinskyy A. V.,
Tokovyy Y. V. Reconstruction
of thermal loading of a functionally-graded hollow sphere by the surface
displacements |
2020, 63, No. 1 |
149–160 |
V. F., Boychuk Yu. V. Mathematical
model for determining the temperature of surface coated with a
heat-insulating layer |
2020, 63, No. 1 |
161–172 |
V. L., Grigorenko A. Ya., Sorochenko G. V., Tormakhov N. N. Influence
of shape and geometric parameters of clasp on the strength and holding force
of removable orthopedic dentures |
2020, 63, No. 1 |
173–180 |
M. V., Lytwyn B. A. Optimization of the feet
parameters and motion laws of the bipedal walking robot |
2020, 63, No. 1 |
181–200 |
the 90-th birth anniversary of H. S. Kit,
corresponding member of NASU |
2020, 63, No. 1 |
201–203 |