Contents |
2021, 64,
No. 4 |
3–4 |
Sokhatsky F.
M., Lutsenko A. V.,
Fryz I.
Construction of quasigroups with invertibility
properties |
2021, 64, No. 4 |
5–17 |
N. B., Petrychkovych V. M. On standard forms of pairs of
matrices over the ring of Gaussian integers with respect to |
2021, 64, No. 4 |
18–24 |
A. M., Shchedryk V. P. Adequate properties of matrix
divisors |
2021, 64, No. 4 |
25–31 |
Savenko P. O. Primary
and branched solutions in the problem of approximation of the finite
function by modulus of double discrete Fourier
transform |
2021, 64, No. 4 |
32–46 |
Veselovska Î. V., Dostojna V. V., Drohomyretska K. T.
Construction of the solutions of
the Helmholtz equation in cylindrical system of coordinates in the form of
homogeneous polynomials by two biorthogonal systems of functions |
2021, 64, No. 4 |
47–54 |
V. J., Levchenko M. S., Loboda
V. V. Finite element analysis of the parameters of fracture in a piezoelectric bimaterial with interface crack
under different types of boundary conditions on its faces |
2021, 64, No. 4 |
55–67 |
Kryvyi Î. F.,
Morozov Yu.
Influence of concentrated forces on the interfacial inclusion
under the conditions of smooth contact in an inhomogeneous transversely
isotropic space |
2021, 64, No. 4 |
68–81 |
2021, 64, No. 4 |
82–91 |
Solyar T.
Ya., Solyar
O. I.
Determination of plate deflections under localized loads |
2021, 64, No. 4 |
92–106 |
O. Yu.,
Bilushchak Yu.
Mathematical modeling of processes of convective diffusion and sorption in
a three-layered porous body. I. Mass transfer of impurity particles with
porous solution |
2021, 64, No. 4 |
107–116 |
Maksymuk Î. V.,
Vasylkiv |
2021, 64, No. 4 |
117–123 |
A. I., Huzyk N. M., Sokil B. I., Sokil M. B. Dynamics
of flexible drive elements under the action of impulse perturbations |
2021, 64, No. 4 |
124–132 |
Lopuh N.
B., Pyanylo Ya. D.
Mathematical modeling of the gas-filtration in the bottomhole zone of
underground gas-storage wells using fractional derivatives |
2021, 64, No. 4 |
133–140 |
INDEX for 2021 (vol. 64) |
2021, 64, No. 4 |
141–143 |