State scientific topics and projects carried out in the laboratory
Starting in 2021, the Laboratory will carry out:
• state departmental topic "Investigation of the correct solvability of non-classical linear and nonlinear of boundary-value problems for equations with partial derivatives" (2021-2025, supervisor - Ph.D. Mykhailo Symotiuk)
• topic "Development and application of analytical and numerical methods study of non-classical problems of the theory of particle motion and propagation radiation" (2022-2023, supervisors - Doctor of Technical Sciences Mykhailo Andriichuk; Corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ph.D. Volodymyr Pelykh) -- together with departments No. 12, No. 14, No. 25 of Pidstryhach IAPMM of the NAS of Ukraine
• scientific project under a grant from the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine to research laboratories/groups of young scientists "Nonlocal boundary value problems for equations with partial derivatives with degeneracies and solutions with topological features of equations in Riemannian spaces" (2021-2022, supervisor - Ph.D. Anton Kuz)
Only English-language publications are ìostly listed here. For all, including Ukrainian ones, use the Ukrainian version of this website
Scientific publications
List of older publications can be downloaded from the link publications 2012-20161. Kaleniuk P. I., Nytrebych Z. M., Ilkiv V. S., Symotiuk M. M. Linear integral problems for equations with partial derivatives: monograph. Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 2020. 214 p. (in Ukrainian)
2. Protsakh N.P., Ptashnyk B.Y. Nonlinear ultraparabolic equations and variational inequalities: monograph. Kyiv: Nauk. dumka, 2017. 280 p. (in Ukrainian)
3. Goy T. P., Makhney O. V., Negrych M. P., Symotiuk M. M. Workshop on differential equations. Part 2. Differential equations of higher orders, systems of differential equations: tutorial. Ivano-Frankivsk: Goliney, 2019. 176 p. (in Ukrainian)
The list of articless from 2017 to 2021 is available at the link articles 2017-2021
Latest publications:
1. Kmit I., Recke L. Hopf bifurcation for general 1D semilinear wave equations with delay. Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations. 2022. Vol. 34. P.1393–1431.The list of conference abstracts from 2017 to 2021 is available at the link abstracts 2017-2021
Latest publications:
1. Buhrii O., Kholyavka O. An evolution Stokes system with variable exponent of nonlinearity. Conference of young scientists «“Pidstryhach Readings– 2022», (25–27 May 2022 ð., Lviv). URL:
1. Tymkiv I. Ya. Multipoint problems for linear parabolic equations with variable coefficients: diss. ... candidate physics and mathematics of science : 01.01.02. Lviv, 2017. 153 p. (in Ukrainian)
2. Medynskyi I.P. Fundamental solutions of the Cauchy problem for degenerate parabolic equations: diss. ... doc. physics and mathematics of science : 01.01.02. Lviv, 2021. 409 p. (in Ukrainian)
Social-scientific and pedagogical work, etc.
The laboratory participates in the periodic Scorobohatko International Mathematical Conference and of the periodic conference "Problems of Nonlinear Analysis" (held since 1997 on the basis of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian University). Employees of the department are also one of the organizers of the annual scientific conference of young scientists "Pidstryhach Readings" (on the basis of the Podsrtyhach Institute of Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine) and are members of the program committee of a number of other conferences.
Employees of the laboratory participate in the organization of the Lviv city seminar on differential equations at the Ivan Franko Lviv National University, and are also regular participants of the all-institute mathematical seminar and the Skorobogatko scientific seminar in the Pidstryhach IAPMM of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Membership in the Academic Council of the Pidstryhach IAPMM of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (M.Symotiuk, 2012-2022, A.M. Kuz, 2020-2022)
Membership in the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the Pidstryhach IAPMM of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (A.M. Kuz, 2017-2022)
Supervision of graduate students of Pidstryhach IAPMM of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (M. Symotiuk, 2017-2022).
Supervision of bachelor's and master's qualification works of students of Department of Applied Mathematics in Lviv Polytechnic National University and Yuriy Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University (A.M. Kuz, 2021-2022, I.M. Cherevko, 2017-2022).
Management of scientific and research works of pupils of the Lviv Regional Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, submitted to the All-Ukrainian competition-defense of scientific and research projects works of students-members of the Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (M.Symotiuk, 2017-2022).
Teaching activity at Lviv Polytechnic National University and Yuriy Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University (M.M. Symotiuk, 2016-2022, A.M. Kuz, 2016-2022, S.M. Repetylo, 2019-2022, I.M. Cherevko, 2017-2022)