Mathematical methods and physico-mechanical fields. – 2015. – 58, No. 1




2015, 58, No. 1

text (00)


Makarov V. L., Gural M. M., Kutniv M. V. Weighted es­ti­ma­tes of ac­cu­ra­cy of dif­fe­ren­ce sche­mes for Sturm – Liouville prob­lem

2015, 58, No. 1

abstract (01a)


Bartish M. Ya., Kovalchuk O. V. On à three-step or­der me­thod for sol­ving sys­tems of non­linear ope­ra­tor equa­ti­ons

2015, 58, No. 1

abstract (02a)


Shavarovskii B. Z. The block-diagonal si­mi­la­ri­ty and se­mi­sña­lar equi­va­len­ce of po­ly­no­mi­al ma­tri­ces

2015, 58, No. 1

abstract (03a)


Prokip V. M. Triangularization of à pa­ir of ma­tri­ces over a prin­ci­pal ide­al do­main with mi­ni­mal qua­dra­tic po­ly­no­mi­als

2015, 58, No. 1

abstract (04a)


Antonova T. M., Sus’ O. M. On some se­quen­ces of uni­form con­ver­gen­ce sets for two-di­men­sio­nal con­ti­nu­ed frac­ti­ons

2015, 58, No. 1

abstract (05a)


Bodnar D. I., Voznyak O. G., Myhalchuk R. I. Convergence cri­te­ria of bran­ched con­ti­nu­ed frac­ti­on with po­si­ti­ve ele­ments

2015, 58, No. 1

abstract (06a)


Yankovskii A. P. Practical sta­bi­li­ty of the «cross» sche­me in nu­me­ri­cal­ly in­te­gra­ti­on the equa­ti­ons of the dy­na­mics of fle­xi­ble thin-wal­led struc­tu­ral ele­ments un­der the hy­po­the­ses of the Ti­mo­shen­ko theo­ry

2015, 58, No. 1

abstract (07a)


Andreykiv A. Ye., Skalsky V. R., Opa­na­so­vych V. K., Do­lin­ska I. Ya., Shtoy­ko I. P. Determination of period of sub­cri­ti­cal creep-fa­ti­gue cracks growth un­der block loa­ding

2015, 58, No. 1

abstract (08a)


Hodes A. J., Loboda V. V. An arc crack in a ho­mo­ge­ne­ous electro­stric­ti­ve ma­te­ri­al

2015, 58, No. 1

abstract (09a)


Kozachok O. P., Slobodian B. S., Martynyak R. M. Interaction between two elas­tic bo­dies in the pre­sen­ce of pe­ri­odi­cal­ly ar­ran­ged in­ter­fa­ce gaps fil­led with a real gas

2015, 58, No. 1

abstract (10a)


Popov V. G. A crack of the shape of three seg­ments bro­ken li­ne un­der ac­ti­on of lon­gi­tu­di­nal shear wa­ve

2015, 58, No. 1

abstract (11a)


Babich D. V., Bezverkhyi O. I., Dorodnykh T. I. Effect of con­ti­nu­ity vio­la­ti­on of ma­te­ri­al in the form of dis­per­sed micro­cracks on electro­elas­tic pa­ra­me­ters of pie­zo­ce­ra­mics

2015, 58, No. 1

abstract (12a)


Sulym H. T., Opanasovych V. K., Tur­chyn I. M., Kho­ma V. V. Transient ther­mal stress sta­te in a half-strip with coa­ting cau­sed by hea­ting its la­te­ral sur­fa­ce

2015, 58, No. 1

abstract (13a)


Dudyk M. V. Effect of the side pre­frac­tu­re zo­ne near the tip of in­ter­fa­ci­al crack on the con­tact of its fa­ces

2015, 58, No. 1

abstract (14a)


Ganulich V. K., Maksymuk O. V., Ganulich N. V. Quasi-static thermo­elas­ti­ci­ty prob­lem for cy­lin­dri­cal shell with heat sour­ces and heat ex­chan­ge

2015, 58, No. 1

abstract (15a)
