Contents |
2018, 61,
No. 2 |
1–6 |
Litovchenko V. A. Localization property of regular solutions of the Ñauchy problem
for a fractal equation of integral form |
2018, 61,
No. 2 |
7–17 |
Yu. S.,
Linchuk S.
S. Some
properties of the generalized Bessel integration operator |
2018, 61,
No. 2 |
18–25 |
O. |
2018, 61,
No. 2 |
26–37 |
Vasylyshyn T. V., Strutinskii M. M. Algebras
of symmetric |
2018, 61,
No. 2 |
38–48 |
N. B.,
Petrychkovych V.
M. The
standard form of matrices over quadratic rings with respect to |
2018, 61,
No. 2 |
49–56 |
Pasternak Ia. M., Sulym H. T., Ilchuk N. I. Physico-mechanical
fields interaction in solids containing thin structural inhomogeneities: a review |
2018, 61,
No. 2 |
57–79 |
Kit H. S., Ivas’ko N. Ì. Two-dimensional
problem of thermoelasticity for a half-space with a free, rigidly,
smoothly or flexibly clamped boundary with heat-insulation in a parallel
to it ribbon-like domain |
2018, 61,
No. 2 |
80–90 |
V. L., Kipnis A. L. |
2018, 61,
No. 2 |
91–99 |
L. V., Tkachenko V. V. Solving
the stability problems
of layered plates with holes using
the |
2018, 61,
No. 2 |
100–110 |
Yankovskii A.
P. Refined
model of thermo-elastic-plastic bending of layered plates of regular
structure. II. Modeling problems |
2018, 61,
No. 2 |
111–123 |
Babich D.
V., Dorodnykh T. I. |
2018, 61,
No. 2 |
124–133 |
Shvabyuk V. I., Mikulich O. A. |
2018, 61,
No. 2 |
134–140 |
O. Y., Bilushchak Y. I. |
2018, 61,
No. 2 |
141–149 |
Ya. H., Turchyn Yu. I. |
2018, 61,
No. 2 |
150–158 |
2018, 61,
No. 2 |
159–162 |