Contents |
2021, 64,
¹ 1 |
1–4 |
Bondarenko V. M., Styopochkina M.
V. On transitivity coefficients for
minimal posets with non-positive quadratic Tits form |
2021, 64,
¹ 1 |
5–14 |
Koporkh K. M., Zarichnyi M. Ì.
On the space of open maps of the Cantor set |
2021, 64,
¹ 1 |
15–20 |
Gutik O. V., Pozdniakova I. V. On the
semigroup which is generated by extended bicyclic semigroup and |
2021, 64,
¹ 1 |
21–34 |
Grigorenko Ya.
M., Bespalova O.
The generalized finite integral transformations method in linear and
nonlinear static problems for shallow shells |
2021, 64,
¹ 1 |
35–53 |
Stankevych V. Z. Analysis
of 3-D problems of dynamic loading of elastic piecewise-homogeneous
bodies with internal cracks |
2021, 64,
¹ 1 |
54–72 |
Sulym H. T., |
2021, 64,
¹ 1 |
73–86 |
Protsiuk B. V. Determination of static thermoelastic state of layered thermosensitive plate, cylinder and sphere |
2021, 64,
¹ 1 |
87–106 |
Piddubniak O. P., Piddubniak N. G. Non-stationary
temperature distribution in a thermally insulated concentric cylindrical
channel with biomass moving under the influence of rotation of electrically
heated helix |
2021, 64,
¹ 1 |
107–123 |
Kryvyi O. F., Morozov Yu. O.
The influence of concentrated forces and heat sources on the distribution of
stresses in the interface of two different transversely isotropic half-spaces |
2021, 64,
¹ 1 |
124–136 |
Yankovskii A.
P. Modeling of thermoelastoplastic
deformation of reinforced plates. I. Structural
model of the reinforced medium |
2021, 64,
¹ 1 |
137–148 |
B. M. Temperature fields that do not cause stresses in an
inhomogeneous axysymmetric hollow cylinder |
2021, 64,
¹ 1 |
149–160 |
Maksymovych O. V., Lazorko Î., Solyar T. Ya. Studies
of two-dimensional gravitational stresses in anisotropic media based on
integral Sherman-type equations |
2021, 64,
¹ 1 |
161–170 |