Mathematical methods and physico-mechanical fields. – 2013. – 56, No. 3




2013, 56, No. 3

text (00)


Baran O. Ye. Some cir­cu­lar con­ver­gen­ce re­gions of bran­ched con­ti­nued frac­tions of spe­cial form

2013, 56, No. 3

abstract (01a)


Ptashnyk B. Yo., Repetylo S. M. The Dirichlet – Neumann prob­lem in a strip for hy­per­bo­lic equa­ti­ons with con­stant coef­fi­cients

2013, 56, No. 3

abstract (02a)


Àlexandrov A. I. Method of so­lu­ti­on of three-di­men­sio­nal con­tact prob­lem on in­te­rac­ti­on of two elas­tic bo­dies in the pre­sen­ce of fric­tion be­tween them

2013, 56, No. 3

abstract (03a)


Martynyak R. M., Prokopyshyn I. À., Prokopyshyn I. I. Contact bet­ween elas­tic bo­dies with non­li­near Win­kler sur­fa­ce la­yers

2013, 56, No. 3

abstract (04a)


Chekhov V. N., Zakora S. V. Stres­ses in shal­low sphe­ri­cal shell loaded by two tan­gen­tial for­ces through ri­gid cir­cu­lar inclu­si­ons

2013, 56, No. 3

abstract (05a)


Belubekyan M. V., Martirosyan S. R. On de­sta­bi­li­zing ef­fect of con­struc­tio­nal fric­tion in sup­ports on the pla­te sta­bi­li­ty in su­per­so­nic gas flow

2013, 56, No. 3

abstract (06a)


Lila D. M. On in­sta­bi­li­ty of elas­to-plas­tic com­po­si­te plane ro­ta­ting cir­cu­lar disc

2013, 56, No. 3

abstract (07a)


Kit H. S., Halazyuk V. A. Axi­sym­met­ric stress-strain sta­te of a bo­dy with a thin ri­gid disc-sha­ped heat-proof in­clu­si­on

2013, 56, No. 3

abstract (08a)


Bogdanov V. L. Effect of ini­ti­al stres­ses on frac­tu­re of com­po­si­te ma­te­ri­al with a ne­ar-sur­fa­ce Mo­de III crack

2013, 56, No. 3

abstract (09a)


Grigorenko Ya. M., Rozhok L. S. Investigation of the stress sta­te of com­plex­sha­ped non-cir­cu­lar hol­low cy­lin­ders with va­ri­ous cur­va­tu­re

2013, 56, No. 3

abstract (10a)


Sklepus S. M. Solution of the axi­sym­met­ric cre­ep and cre­ep da­ma­ge prob­lem for à pie­ce­wi­se-ho­mo­ge­ne­ous bo­dy with ar­bi­tra­ry sha­pe of me­ri­dio­nal sec­ti­on

2013, 56, No. 3

abstract (11a)


Kalynyak B. M. Fredholm integral equation of the se­cond kind re­la­ti­ve to the ra­di­al stres­ses for de­ter­mi­ning the ther­mal stres­sed sta­te of the hol­low long inho­mo­ge­ne­ous cy­lin­der

2013, 56, No. 3

abstract (12a)


Chekurin V. F., Sinkevych O. O. Boundary-element method for ther­mo­elas­tic iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of ca­vi­ty in a long cy­lind­ri­cal body

2013, 56, No. 3

abstract (13a)


Pasternak Ia. M., Sulym H. T., Pasternak R. M. Ge­ne­ra­li­zed So­mig­lia­na iden­ti­ty for thermo­mag­ne­to­electro­elas­tic ani­so­tro­pic so­lids

2013, 56, No. 3

abstract (14a)


Papkov S. O. Harmonic vib­ra­ti­ons of a cross-base prism

2013, 56, No. 3

abstract (15a)


Fesenco A. A. Mixed sta­tio­na­ry heat con­duc­ti­on and elas­ti­ci­ty the­ory prob­lems for a semi-in­fi­ni­te la­yer

2013, 56, No. 3

abstract (16a)
