Ivan Kyrchei
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Ph.D., Senior Research Fellow
Department of differential equations and theory of functions
Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Education and professional activities
- Student of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics
of Tavrida National V.I. Vernadsky University (Simferopol) (1984-1988),
- Student of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Ivan Franko National University of L’viv (1988-1992),
- Teacher of Mathematics of Verhne Synevydne secondary school Lviv region (1990-1994),
- Postgraduate of Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems,
of Mechanics and Mathematics (IAPMM) of NAS of Ukraine (1993-1996),
- Mathematician of I-th category of IAPMM (2001-2004),
- Leading mathematician of IAPMM (2004-2008),
- Junior Resercher of IAPMM (2008-2009),
- Researcher of IAPMM (2010-2011),
- Senior Researcher of IAPMM (2011-2021),
- In 2014, he was awarded the title of Senior Research
Fellow (Algebra and The Theory of Numbers) from Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
equivalent to Associate Professor,
- Doctoral student of IAPMM (2017-2019),
- Leading Researcher of IAPMM from 2021
to the present time
Scientific degrees:
- Ph.D. in Physical and Mathematical Sciences (2008).
- Doctor of Physical and Mathematical sciences (2021).
D.Sc. Dissertation:
Major research interests
- Linear algebra and its application
- Algebra of matrices over noncommutative ring, Noncommutative determinants
- Theory of matrices,
Generalized inverse matrices, Matrix and differential matrix equations
The main scientific results have been published in chapters of editor's books,
papers of scientific journals,
and conference proceedings.
In particular, the theory of column and row noncommutative determinants has been developed
for matrices over quaternion algebras, determinantal representations of generalized inverse matrices obtained by using them, and induced analogs of the rule
Cramer for solutions and pseudo-solutions of quaternion matrix and differential-matrix equations, etc.
Column and row determinants can be calculated using Maple by supplementing Maple V and above with the Clifford package developed by
Prof. Rafal Ablamowicz.
There are examples of calculating row and column determinants in Maple 11 for matrices of
third and fourth orders.
Other professional services
- Editorial work
- Editorial Board Member
of the journal "Advances in Linear Algebra & Matrix Theory"
- Editorial Board Member
of the journal
"International Journal of Pure Mathematical Sciences"
- Editorial Board Member
of the journal
- Editorial Board Member
of the journal
"Mathematical Problems in Engineering", Hindawi.
- Editorial Board Member
of the journal
"Computational Mathematics and Computer
Modeling with Applications (CMCMA)", Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.
- Topical Advisor of the journal
"Axioms", MDPI.
- Editor of the book
“Generalized Inverses: Algorithms and Applications”, New York: Nova Sci. Publ.,
- Editor of the book
“Hot Topics in Linear Algebra”, New York: Nova Sci. Publ.,
- Editor of the book
“Advances in Linear Algebra Research”, New York: Nova
Sci. Publ., 2015.
- Guest Editor of the Special Issue “
Applications of Methods of Numerical Linear Algebra in Engineering 2016”
- Lead Guest Editor of the Special Issue “
Advances in Researches of Quaternion Algebras”
Membership in Professional Societies
Referee for
- Applied Mathematics and Computation
- Applied Mathematics Letters
- Computers & Mathematics with Applications
- Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra
- International Journal of Control, Automation, and
- Mathematical Problems in Engineering
- International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
- Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing
- Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras
- IET Control Theory & Applications
- Miskolc Mathematical Notes
Reviewer for
Organizer of conferences, sessions, etc.
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