Mathematical methods and physico-mechanical fields. – 2014. – 57, No. 2




2014, 57, No. 2

text (00)


Storozh Î. H. So­me ana­ly­tic pro­per­ties of the Weyl func­ti­on of clo­sed ope­ra­tor

2014, 57, No. 2

abstract (01a)


Hladun V. R. So­me sets of re­la­ti­ve sta­bi­li­ty to per­tur­ba­ti­ons of bran­ched con­ti­nu­ed frac­ti­ons with com­plex ele­ments and va­ri­ab­le num­ber of bran­ches of bran­ching

2014, 57, No. 2

abstract (02a)


Ptashnyk B. Yo., Repetylo S. M. Di­ri­chlet – Neu­man­n probl­em for sys­tems of hy­per­bo­lic equa­ti­ons with con­stant coef­fi­ci­ents

2014, 57, No. 2

abstract (03a)


Savenko P. O. Syn­the­sis of ra­dia­ting sys­tems with a flat aper­tu­re by the gi­ven po­wer pat­tern di­rec­ti­vi­ty. II. Fin­ding the so­lu­ti­ons at bi­fur­ca­ti­on points

2014, 57, No. 2

abstract (04a)


Bulatsyk O. O. On the re­ci­pro­cal con­ver­si­on of the ty­pes of so­lu­ti­ons for a class of non­li­near Ham­mer­stein in­te­gral equa­ti­ons

2014, 57, No. 2

abstract (05a)


Gafiychuk V. V., Datsko B. Yo., Vasiunyk Z. I. Small pa­ra­me­ter me­thod in non­li­near re­acti­on-dif­fu­si­on sys­tems: con­di­ti­ons of ap­pli­ca­ti­on, con­struc­ti­on of so­lu­ti­ons, bi­fur­ca­ti­on ana­ly­sis

2014, 57, No. 2

abstract (06a)


Pukach P. Ya. In­ves­ti­ga­ti­on of ben­ding vi­bra­ti­ons in Voigt–Kelvin bars ta­king in­to ac­co­unt the non­li­near re­sis­tan­ce for­ces

2014, 57, No. 2

abstract (07a)


Flyachok V. M. Va­ri­atio­nal theo­rem of dy­na­mic prob­lem on coup­led me­cha­no­ther­mo­dif­fu­si­on for in­ho­mo­ge­ne­ous ani­so­tro­pic shells with dis­tor­ti­ons

2014, 57, No. 2

abstract (08a)


Lila D. M. Sta­bi­li­ty loss of ro­ta­ting elas­to­plas­tic ra­di­al­ly in­ho­mo­ge­neous step­ped an­nu­lar disk

2014, 57, No. 2

abstract (09a)


Slobodian B. S., Lyashenko B. A., Malanchuk N. I., Marchuk V. Ye., Martynyak R. M. Mo­de­ling of con­tact in­te­rac­ti­on of pe­rio­di­cal­ly tex­tu­red so­lids with ac­coun­ting fric­tio­nal slip­ping

2014, 57, No. 2

abstract (10a)


Papkov S. O. Spa­tial dy­na­mic prob­lem of elas­ti­ci­ty theory for pa­ral­le­le­pi­ped

2014, 57, No. 2

abstract (11a)


Kyrychok I. F., Senchenkov I. K., Chervinko O. P. For­ced vib­ra­ti­ons and vib­ra­ti­on hea­ting-up of visco­elas­tic beams with piezo­elec­tric sen­sors and ac­tua­tors

2014, 57, No. 2

abstract (12a)


Kurennov S. S. Lon­gi­tu­di­nal-fle­xu­ral vib­ra­ti­ons of a three-la­ye­red rod. A re­fi­ned mo­del

2014, 57, No. 2

abstract (13a)


Kovalev Yu. D. Ben­ding vib­ra­tions of a thick-wal­led shell of fi­ni­te length with sli­ding fi­xed end fa­ces

2014, 57, No. 2

abstract (14a)


Gorynin G. L., Nemirovskii Yu. V. Ma­the­ma­ti­cal mo­de­ling of heat con­duc­tion pro­cess for 2D-pe­rio­dic an­iso­tro­pic com­po­si­te ma­te­ri­als

2014, 57, No. 2

abstract (15a)


Yankovskii A. P. Stu­dy of spec­tral sta­bi­li­ty of ge­ne­ra­li­zed Runge – Kutta me­thod as ap­plied to ini­ti­al prob­lem for the trans­fer equa­ti­on

2014, 57, No. 2

abstract (16a)


Popovych V. S., Kalynyak B. M. Mathematical mo­de­ling and me­thod for de­ter­mi­ning the stea­dy thermo­elas­tic sta­te in mul­ti-la­ye­red ther­mal sen­si­ti­ve cy­lin­ders

2014, 57, No. 2

abstract (17a)


Popadyuk I. Yo., Shatskyi I. P., Shopa V. M., Velychkovych A. S. Fric­ti­onal in­ter­ac­ti­on of cy­lind­ri­cal shell with a de­for­mab­le fil­ler at a non-mo­no­to­nous loa­ding

2014, 57, No. 2

abstract (18a)


Khapko B. S., Chyzh A. I. On effect of va­riab­le heat ex­chan­ge co­ef­fi­ci­ents on ther­mal stres­ses in fi­ni­te cy­lind­ri­cal shell

2014, 57, No. 2

abstract (19a)
