Mathematical methods and physico-mechanical fields. – 2014. – 57, No. 1




2014, 57, No. 1

text (00)


Buryachenko K. O., Harabara A. I. Solvability of the Neu­mann prob­lem in a disk for the fourth or­der pro­per­ly el­lip­tic equa­ti­ons

2014, 57, No. 1

abstract (01a)


Shakhno S. M. On con­ver­gen­ce of ac­ce­le­ra­ted New­ton me­thod un­der the ge­ne­ra­li­zed Lip­schitz con­di­ti­ons

2014, 57, No. 1

abstract (02a)


Polishchuk O. D. On revealing sin­gu­la­ri­ti­es in nu­me­ri­cal so­lu­tion of in­te­gral equa­ti­ons of the po­ten­tial the­ory

2014, 57, No. 1

abstract (03a)


Chernega ². V. Se­mi­ring in the spec­trum of the al­geb­ra of sym­me­tric ana­ly­tic func­ti­ons on spa­ce l1

2014, 57, No. 1

abstract (04a)


Prokopyshyn I. I. Domain decomposition sche­mes ba­sed on pe­nal­ty me­thod for prob­lems of ideal con­tact be­twe­en elas­tic bo­dies

2014, 57, No. 1

abstract (05a)


Popov G. Ya., Protserov Yu. S. Axisymmetric prob­lem for an elas­tic cy­lin­der of fi­ni­te length with fi­xed la­te­ral sur­fa­ce with re­gard for na­tu­ral weight

2014, 57, No. 1

abstract (06a)


Vasil’ev K. V., Sulym H. T. Elastic equilibrium of spa­ce with a thin cur­ved elas­tic in­clu­si­on un­der lon­gi­tu­di­nal shear

2014, 57, No. 1

abstract (07a)


Dovbnya K. M., Grigorchuk J. V. Stress state of the shell of dou­ble cur­va­ture with two col­li­near cracks un­der ben­ding loading

2014, 57, No. 1

abstract (08a)


Solyar T. Ya. On effective approach to de­ter­mi­ne the dy­na­mic stres­ses in la­ye­red cir­cu­lar pla­tes ba­sed on Prud­ni­kov in­ver­si­on for­mu­la for La­pla­ce trans­form

2014, 57, No. 1

abstract (09a)


Andreikiv O. Ye., Yavorska N. V., Kukhar V. Z. Mathematical models for es­ti­ma­ti­on of re­si­du­al li­fe-ti­me of pla­tes with cracks sys­tems un­der ac­ti­ons of long du­ra­tion sta­tic loa­ding, high tem­pe­ra­tu­re and hy­dro­gen

2014, 57, No. 1

abstract (10a)


Avramenko O. V., Naradovy V. V., Selezov I. T. Conditions of wa­ve pro­pa­ga­ti­on in two-la­yer flu­id with free sur­fa­ce

2014, 57, No. 1

abstract (11a)


Nesvit K. V. Discrete ma­the­ma­ti­cal mo­del of dif­frac­ti­on prob­lem of E-po­la­ri­zed on slits in im­pe­dan­ce pla­ne

2014, 57, No. 1

abstract (12a)


Gandel’ Yu. V., Dushkin V. D. Mathematical model of scat­te­ring of a po­la­ri­zed wa­ve on im­pe­dan­ce strips lo­ca­ted on scre­ened di­elec­tric la­yer

2014, 57, No. 1

abstract (13a)


Hrytsyna O. R. Effect of hea­ting on the near-sur­fa­ce in­ho­mo­ge­nei­ty of elec­tri­cal and me­cha­ni­cal fields in di­elec­trics

2014, 57, No. 1

abstract (14a)


Budak V. D., Grigorenko A. Ya., Borisenko M. Yu., Boychuk Ye. V. De­ter­mi­na­ti­on of na­tu­ral fre­quen­ci­es of an el­lip­tic shell of cons­tant thick­ness by the fi­ni­te ele­ment me­thod

2014, 57, No. 1

abstract (15a)


Plakhtienko N. P. Non­clas­si­cal pe­rio­dic func­ti­ons: their cal­cu­la­ti­on and ap­pli­ca­ti­on

2014, 57, No. 1

abstract (16a)
